Oyen Chamber of Commerce donation to Oyen Minor Ball
Oyen Minor Ball (OMB) is a well established Association in the community of Oyen. It brings in over 160 registrants to this season from the communities…
Buffalo News: Majestic Ranches sold
As most of my readers know by now, Majestic Ranches has been sold. To celebrate 55 years of the ranch, the Schonhofer family invites all friends and neighbours to an open house…
Big Country Rodeo 50/50 Winners
50/50 Winners at the Big Country Rodeo Club’s Junior/Senior High School Rodeo: Big Country Agricultural Society held a 50/50 raffle each day of the rodeo.
Viva Vitality: Connection is Prevention
If you are experiencing feelings of loneliness or social isolation, you are not alone. Globally, loneliness, isolation and lack of connection has become a public health crisis.
Oyen Kindergarten Graduation
Oyen Public School celebrated Kindergarten Graduation on May 30th.
Myrtle Varney celebrates her 100th birthday
About sixty family and friends gathered at the Oyen & District Seniors Centre on May 18, 2024, to celebrate Myrtle Varney’s 100th birthday (May 17 was actual birthday).
BCAS presents cheque to Oyen Ministerial Association
On May 3rd, Linda Bingeman, vice president of the Big Country Agricultural Society, presented a cheque to the Oyen Ministerial Association in support of the work they do in the community.
Breakfast program at Oyen Public School
The breakfast program at Oyen Public School (OPS) has been running for about six years and came about to ensure every student at the school had the opportunity to begin their day with a healthy meal.
Oyen Chamber of Commerce hosts bi-monthly meeting
The Chamber of Commerce had their bi-monthly meeting on May 15, 2024 at the FCSS Youth Centre. Cynti from Bakers Dozen provided a wonderful lunch…
OYEN BRIEFS: Shirley Clark looking for old family photos
In June, Shirley will travel to Norway to visit family from both sides of her grandparents. During the visit, her cousin will take her to Andrew Oyen’s birthplace.
Consider the lasting impact of legacy planning with the Community Foundation
May is Leave a Legacy Month; a time to reflect on how you can leave a lasting impact on the causes that matter most to you.
Sibbald News: Recent Rains
Today’s (May 20) drizzle and rains have stopped seeding operations that are well underway in the area. The recent rains have made the countryside so green and lush.
Alberta RCMP: Impaired Drivers
From May 17 - 20, your Alberta RCMP conducted enhanced traffic enforcement targeting impaired drivers.
BUFFALO NEWS: Surprise Mother’s Day road trip for Gail Andrus
As always, my column seems to report on illness and hospital stays. I'm sorry, but that's life.
Need a babysitter?
These are the 23 students who successfully completed the Canadian Red Cross Babysitter's Course held Saturday, May 11th, 2024.
Branch member provides clarification to article
With the permission of David McKinstry, Secretary Acadia 208, I would like to clarify a couple of points in the written article, “Acadia Branch #208 celebrates 65th anniversary”…
Community Emergency Preparedness Day held in Oyen
The Town of Oyen and the Special Areas Board were excited to host a Community Emergency Preparedness Day on May 6, 2023, in Oyen, AB.
Oyen Lodge News: 90 year-old Joan Shields donates hair to cancer
I hope all the moms had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend with family. All the ladies and some of the men enjoyed the wine and cheese party.
Oyen Briefs: Upcoming Farmers Market season
BCAS Farmers Market committee met on May 16 to make plans for the coming season.
Alberta RCMP link four historical homicides to deceased serial killer
Alberta RCMP have linked four historical homicides of young women from the 1970's to a now deceased serial sexual offender.