New Baseball Academy at Eagle Butte High School to open in the fall
DUNMORE - Having experienced great success with the current Badlands Badgers Baseball Academy in Oyen, Prairie Rose Public Schools will be adding another competitive baseball program to the roster.
Oyen Lodge Report: Winter Wonderland
Hello, everyone. January is going so fast. Don’t know about anyone else, but I am ready for spring already. It’s nice that the evenings are getting a bit lighter out each day.
Cashius Norris receives Jardine Bursary
Cashius, a 2024 SCHS graduate, was accepted into Lakeland College for the 2024 fall term in the Animal Science Livestock Major program.
First Minsters’ meeting: Premier Smith
“I had a constructive discussion with my fellow Premiers on how best to deal with the threat of tariffs from the incoming U.S. administration…
Viva Vitality: Benefits of fibre
Fibre is a type of carbohydrate we do not digest. It comes from plant foods like vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
January is Alzheimer's Awareness Month
In Canada, January is Alzheimer's disease awareness month. During this month, Canadians are encouraged to learn more about dementia and its impact.
Oyen and District Seniors Report: First Pot Luck supper
Eleven people who came to the first Pot Luck supper of the New Year enjoyed various Crock Pot dishes. The supper was followed by the meeting…
OYEN LODGE: Winter Wonderland Tea on Thursday afternoon
Hello, everyone. The holidays are over. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed them. Everything will be back to normal again for a while.
Oyen Chamber of Commerce Update: Christmas season 2024
The Chamber had a very successful Christmas season in 2024! We hosted three pop-up markets during December with 10-15 home-based vendors able to attend each market.
Avery Dillabough receives Jardine Bursary
Enrolled in her second year of Kinesiology and Education combined dual degree at the University of Calgary, Avery Dillabough is a 2023 South Central High School graduate.
East Sounding Creek 4 H News: Another great start
As we all wean our calves, we sit and ponder as the rest of the calves leave the yard in the big rig and wonder if we made the right choice as some are a little ranker than others.
Welcome to the world, little ones! East Central Alberta Babies of 2024
The littlest feet make the biggest footprints on our hearts…
Santa’s elves at the Legion Hall
Santa’s elves met at the Legion Hall before Christmas to fill nearly 300 candy bags for Santa to deliver on Christmas Eve.
OYEN LODGE: Residents ring in the new year
Hello, everyone. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Christmas Holiday with family and friends.
OYEN BRIEFS: Margaret Berg wins Oyen Lions 50/50
At their organization meeting October 8, the Oyen Town Council appointed me as one of their representatives on the Big Country Regional Recycling Society for another 3-year term.
BUFFALO NEWS: Rescheduled concert taking place late Februar
I take this opportunity to wish all my readers a very happy new year including good health and good fortune. We hope for a good crop and the same good calf prices.
Paige Siegel receives Jardine Bursary
Paige Siegel is in her second year of the Physical and Occupational Therapist Program at Medicine Hat College.
Getting active in the New Year
The New Year is a perfect opportunity to embrace healthier habits and prioritize well-being. You can start today.
Viva Vitality: Add ‘oral health’ to your New Year’s resolutions
A new year is the perfect time for resolutions. Adding oral health care to that list could impact your life immensely. Tooth decay is still one of the most prevalent…
Big Country Agricultural Society donates toward Holter Monitors
A Holter monitor is a device worn for 1 to 2 days that records the heart’s rhythm. It spots irregular heartbeats if a traditional electrocardiogram does not provide enough details about the heart’s condition.