Check It Out: One in five Canadians use charitable services for essential needs
The doctor told his patient to quit smoking. He advised him to chew on a toothpick whenever he felt like lighting up. A few months later, the patient returned for a checkup.
Stop the Crime: StatsCan Report Shows Violent Crime Skyrocketing
Crime rates have soared under the Trudeau Liberal Government. The NDP-Liberals’ catch-and-release policies are not working for Canadians.
OPINION: Opinions or facts?
I started this letter several times and tore it up out of frustration and stress. One lone voice does not make a difference; it is nearly impossible to make people realize that strength is in numbers.
Pop 89: UnChristianity
“You want to know why so many people can’t stand Christians? It’s not for how very Christian we are - but how unChristian we are.”
Check It Out: Hatred doesn’t solve problems
This story struck my funny bone; I hope you enjoy it. A group of middle-school girls were so excited about wearing lipstick that they would make lip prints on the school’s bathroom mirror.
Growing Through Grief: The Healing Process
One morning, not long ago, I was getting up out of bed and I guess I moved the wrong way because I felt my back go and the pain was immediate.
Pop 89: Drop the Rope
There is an expression in recovery that refers to the moment when an addict hits bottom. When all the ploys, games and lies stop working for you…
Check It Out: Creating a culture where children are excited to learn
A billboard read: My patience is basically like a gift card. Not sure how much is left on it but we can give it a try.
Local stops worth seeing
School is out, the weather is beautiful, and I know many of you are hoping to take a few days to enjoy the best of what the summer has to offer.
Growing Through Grief: Some loss takes you to your knees
Some loss takes you to your knees. When we are in pain, we do need support and unfortunately all too often its not so easy to find.
Pop 89: Saved By This Place
I cut across the village campground behind my place to get to Page's in time for the puck drop. But when I saw the couple with the Maryland plates from a bike ride I had to stop and introduce myself.
Check It Out: Can't keep Canadians quiet
This little note said: “Don't worry about getting older. You're still going to do dumb stuff, only slower.” Do those words also apply to government?
Calculated Policy or Economic Stupidity?
After two months of delay, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister/Deputy Prime Minister Crystia Freeland finally revealed the specifics of their cornerstone budget commitment…
KREW KUTS: Health Care Challenges
NAVIGATION. This is now a common term in health care. It signifies the challenges for many people in finding care and remedies in the health delivery system.