OPINION: Opinions or facts?

I started this letter several times and tore it up out of frustration and stress. One lone voice does not make a difference; it is nearly impossible to make people realize that strength is in numbers. I finally realized I needed to put the terrible facts of how we are heading into a horrible disaster. This is to make me feel proud of myself, for trying to stand up against criminal wrongs. Maybe more people will step forward to stop all this corruption. I hope so and stop this statement, "We can't do anything." We can and better, as worse times are on the way.

All levels of government throughout the world have achieved fame through sly stupidity. Common sense is gone, and with it freedom and democracy. But let's deal with Canada and the worst leader, PM, we have seen. No doubt there have been others—a father and son, with the initials P.T. and J.T. destroyed the Canada we used to be proud of.

The father had set it up for the west and east to become thrown one against the other. He was asked how far he would go. Would he turn the army into Canadian Citizens? His answer was "Just watch me." The son was asked how far he would go to stop the truckers protesting in Ottawa. His answer was, "I can do whatever it takes." It is now proven that was illegal but he is not in jail.

We should show how those we elect, manipulate all of us for their gains. This will show the horrors of this carbon tax and how it will destroy Canada and the working people.

Some of us remember how it was after so many great people fought to preserve freedom and lost their lives. What a tragedy. It is building to the same situation, with different values and greater loss. All for taxation and greed, under false claims and lies, to buy your votes and take control, as cult leaders do. It is so much easier today than it was in Hitler's day because most people are controlled by the internet and cell phones. No one thinks anymore. They have their face and brain in a cell phone. Ask Siri or whatever that voice is on your phone.

After World War II and the Great Depression, people gathered to build and repair the country. No one went to the government to take the money and thought it was free. They all knew the government had taken all their money, and the government didn't have money. It was the people's money. So the great taxation scam was invented to make sure the people who had so much could get more—all on the backs of the working population. How can someone who never had to work or worry where their next dollar or meal would come from have any idea how to run a country, let alone build it up again? Part of the con or scam like a cult leader would do.

So behold we have income tax. Help pay for the war but don't stop. Give all elected officials salaries and perks on the pretense of building the country so people who wanted to protect their families worked and built businesses. They made and put the cost of making a product for the rest of the people available. Whether furniture, machine shops, dealerships, farms, ranches, or whatever was needed, the product or venture was produced. Enter the bureaucrats. They wanted some easy money, so they had manufacturing tax, consumption tax and a whole lot more tax scams. This gave government control but mainly money to the wealthy.

Now, over time, these taxes kept creeping in. As they did, false promises and ventures were announced to get elected. The elected officials could give themselves perks with the people's money, so tax away. As it kept getting more lucrative, borrowing and interest were once again brought in, and one of the greatest tax scams was invented. GST became a reality. Everything would have a percentage taxed, so Canada would never have debt again. Well, because of the stress of GST, these officials needed a raise and every person who got elected with our money needed a good pension for serving the people and country.

Oh my, we have debt. World trade is not bringing enough in to build our economy, and people wouldn't like more taxes. Let's try false claims. We need free trade to boost our economy. After all, it has to grow to cover our pensions. To be on trade with the world we need free trade agreements, and let's get the metric system. Measurements will make big profits for companies. Making all the changes will create GST profits and an endless supply of change over goods. Make sure the government has automatic power of spending, as the people now believe it is free government money.

But the government wants more power. So, how about climate change? People should pay more, so bring in emission control. Don't accept peoples' scientific solutions. Let's make them pay for everything to save the climate because oil and refined gas pollute the air. Tax gas and oil so every person pays. The theory is to tax everything and make the people believe they must pay to stop environmental disasters. Whoever heard that punishing people and making them into villains would save the planet. Do these government people pay? NO. They fly jets and rent limos and get it all free from the people.

Things are not going to plan, as inflation is climbing, so let government people manipulate interest. Where did the Bank of Canada and government control surface from? The interest goes down, and the government promotes loans to build and buy. When enough people are sucked in, the government raises the interest rates and bankruptcy rules. Lower the interest and start the procedure again. This is a corrupt form of taxation.

The cult leaders of the world must have seen this manipulation wasn't working, so they tried a repeat of history. Bring in a pandemic scare to rein in the collapse of taxation. If people had a major event in front of them, then the masses wouldn't think of taxation and pollution, and governments could get control of the situation again, not war but a pandemic. So, in the assumption of saving all these poor Canadians and people of the world, spread a pile of tax dollars (peoples' money) connected to people of power. Make masks, build small labs, have people looking for a cure and hundreds of other schemes. As this unfolded, and people died of stress and heart attacks, the tax dollars vanished, and Canada borrowed billions to oversee all the millions going out. The government news flash is that economy-built jobs were on the rise, all except nurses and doctors, who were on the endangered list. Now we see the results. The shortage of nurses and doctors caused the collapse of the world's healthcare system.

The world improved with working people's inventions - combustion engines, oil and refined products, natural gas and daily products made from oil. Cars, trucks, tractors – all forms of the cab and body-related forms derived from plastic to fibreglass. All sorts of containers are made from plastic and almost everything we use. Guess what? Governments promoted all this as it was a cheap by-product of oil, and they could make a good profit from taxes on these products. It didn't matter that science had proven it caused forms of cancer.

Now, in the late '40s and up to the '70s companies bought back plastic and tin containers. In turn, they produced recycled containers and resold them to bottle companies. Guess what? Some crafty government official put their snouts in and figured out how they could get their salaries and pensions increased. They get an environmental protection fee when they buy containers, as in their mentally challenged world, if people pay, it protects the environment. When you buy anything back, you pay GST and a recycling tax. The person who loses is the consumer and the recycling company.

Let's get to the next huge tax rip-off—I believe bigger than GST—the Carbon Tax. According to the government, carbon is going to kill the world and everything in it. The only way to save this is to tax the people in a tax that no one could understand. That will stop carbon. B.S.

Does society know that everything that grows, livestock, and yes humans, need carbon to grow and function? Is it known that trees and certain plants store excess carbon to be released when needed? I  know the family who developed carbon capture—inserts for stacks on every industrial coal and gas plant. When the Canadian government MP was approached, there was no response to make these. A company in the US produced them, and they were and still are in use as far as I know. Sheerness had very little pollution out of that stack. Why are we being taxed on something that makes no sense?

We are supposed to believe that by 2035, everything will be electric or solar clean energy. I resent the notion that I am so stupid to believe this. Look for 15 minutes at how many outfits go by the #1 or 2 highways and times that access Canada. It cannot happen. We couldn't even keep the homes heated, let alone cities. What a con!

When a solar panel farm is built on the best farmland, that land is gone forever. Check with the EU, and you will learn. If there are trees, they destroy them and put these global warming panels in their place. You know black panels draw heat in. Instead of the government taxing us to destroy the farmland and trees, we should be paid to plant more trees and get free power. The tax is not going to decrease carbon.

The disgusting part of this carbon tax scam is on the back of those wind farms. Not only do they destroy the beauty of the open ranch land horizons, but more carbon is produced than could ever be saved. We are taxed with the idea it will save carbon.

Let's break down this scheme. China makes the towers from scrap iron we ship there on big diesel-engine ships. They also apparently make blades that are not biodegradable. All this is shipped to ports in Canada on diesel engines. They are shipped across the country on rail by big diesel engines. Then they are hauled by trucks with big diesel engines that destroy the pavement and bridges due to the excess weight. Then big cranes with big diesel engines put them together. In 15-20 years another site and new wind tower needs to be put in. Clean energy. No!

Now, here is a puzzle. We have to pay taxes to save carbon. All our coal and gas plants have to be shut down. Tax the people to save carbon. We can't burn dirty coal but do you know how China produces steel and everything? They burn coal. We have shipped coal to China for a long time, and to keep our economy going, we still mine the coal and ship it to parts of the world, so our economy is strong. We have lots of coal, and it is alright for the rest of the world to burn our coal while we are taxed not to. One of these towers produces more carbon than one farm could produce. Something has to be forcefully changed. We need freedom back.

This is a rounded-out demonstration of what we have allowed government to do. This has gone over the scale and is tipping. When all the working people are forced to pay over and over, it reaches a point like 1929 and a weather change like in the 1930s, and you have what is coming. The land is always here, and there are ways to produce food and shelter without having greed and control move in to exploit the working people. The working people did not change the climate. Nature is at work. People should not be punished by tax greed because that is not going to change carbon or anything else.

These wealthy, privileged people and their greed should not be allowed to force their stupidity on us anymore. They stopped the Reform Party, the Wildrose, and, lord knows what else. How do we change it? Strength in numbers and the First People to stop government inflated salaries and their bloated pensions would be elected forever. Is there anyone out there who has a proper vision for the future? I sure hope so!

Affordable housing is tents. With inflation created by tax and greed, they will soon not be affordable either.

We pay environmental fees on everything and it is a tax. This goes to the government along with GST and carbon tax. It all goes into general revenue and nothing goes back to help the consumer. Oh, the government gives the carbon tax back through rebates. It doesn't cover 1/10 of what we pay. And if they gave it back why take our hard-earned money in the first place?

Taxing and punishing the working people does not change the climate. All people have cut back to keep a home and feed themselves. We live in the real world, and these privileged government people are mentally challenged.

Carbon tax at work. Six billion for loans and apartment buildings in the next 10 years.

To help with housing. What an insult. 23 billion has already been falsely announced. Guess where it came from? Not free money, but from the carbon tax. All people except government officials will pay. Liberal stupid.

Let's decide why we pay huge taxes so it can be around not millions but billions of our money to pretend it will go to false projects. It will go to pensions and comfortable Liberal companies.

Arnold McKee, Oyen


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