Stop the Crime: StatsCan Report Shows Violent Crime Skyrocketing

By Damien Kurek
Battle River-Crwofoot MP

Crime rates have soared under the Trudeau Liberal Government. The NDP-Liberals’ catch-and-release policies are not working for Canadians. Instead, they have made our communities less safe and provided a haven for criminals, both petty and violent. Our streets are more dangerous, with the statistics showing a severe increase in violent crime and crimes being committed by those out on bail have increased tenfold.

Our homes, backyards, playgrounds, and public spaces are becoming more dangerous and hostile for everyday, law-abiding Canadians. It is time for the Liberal Government to abandon its soft on crime approach and start ensuring consequences are felt by criminals instead of Canadians.

While this is something I often hear from constituents, last week Stats Canada released numbers that prove this fact. That facts are that Canadians are less safe today than they were nine years ago. Here in Alberta, in the region in and around Edmonton, Violent Arms Offences are up 140%, despite all the sweeping firearm reforms this Government chose to introduce to curb these numbers. Extortion, at the same time, is up over 400%. A crime which used to have a mandatory minimum sentence now seemingly goes unpunished, resulting in a dramatic increase in extortion cases. This is just the beginning; the numbers in the Calgary area mirror these and are similar in so many communities across Canada.

Canadians should be able to feel safe in their communities, both rural and urban. Yet, after nine years of Justin Trudeau, that is no longer true. Crimes such as auto theft and property break-ins, are both up. Both types of crimes have a drastic impact on our rural communities and the victims’ livelihoods and well-being. These crimes continue to go unanswered by our justice system, and offenders are allowed back on the streets within a matter of days, sometimes even hours. With more resources being devoted to crimes that are committed by a few criminals who should be behind bars, this makes a mockery of our justice system and puts unnecessary strain on law enforcement.

It was not like this before Justin Trudeau and under Pierre Poilievre and a Conservative government, we will fix this broken system. Hardened criminals and repeat offenders will serve time for their crimes with more than a slap on the wrist. Reforms will include scrapping lenient bail policies and re-introducing mandatory minimums for crimes such as extortion and auto theft. Further, we will stop the Liberal/NDP plan to legalize hard drugs and provide treatment for those facing addiction, and we will develop a real strategy to reduce recidivism. These steps will go a long way to ensuring the safety and protection of Canadians.

It has been a series of Liberal policies changes which have led to these problems, something reiterated by those in law enforcement, both locally and across the nation. Those in our legal system and who work in our police forces and put their lives on the line daily must be able to do their jobs.

This is one of the issues I have heard so much about this summer, as I have been speaking with so many of you across Battle River—Crowfoot. If you have a personal story about how the increase in crime has affected you or ideas on how to fix the problem, I welcome you to reach out and share it with me. I take representing you seriously; you have made it clear that reforms in our legal system are desperately needed.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this column, you are encouraged to write Damien at 4945-50th Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call 780-608-4600, text 403-575-5625, or e-mail You can also stay up to date with Damien by following him on social media @dckurek. If you are in need of assistance regarding a Federal Government program, or need assistance and don’t know where to turn, feel free to reach out to MP Kurek’s office.


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