OYEN LODGE: Winter Wonderland Tea on Thursday afternoon

By Dianne Spath

Hello, everyone. The holidays are over. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed them. Everything will be back to normal again for a while. The weather has had its ups and downs lately; temperatures are good, but it does create some problems with rain now and then on the roads.

Monday morning started with exercises, followed by phase ten card games. Monday afternoon was bingo. Happy Birthday to Gordon Haag and Greg Mendoza on January 4th. Happy Birthday to Don Bamber on January 6th.

On Tuesday, Dianne was away, so there were no activities. Tuesday afternoon, Taylor Neilson played piano.

Wednesday morning, there was a crossword and the regular bus run downtown. In the afternoon, there were shuffleboard games, followed by a Resident Council meeting.

Happy birthday to Ralph Jorgenson on January 8th.

Thursday morning was one on one baking. ATB Financial was at the Lodge from 10-11:00 a.m. Thursday afternoon, the residents helped take down the Christmas trees and decorations, then enjoyed warm beverages and socializing. Thursday was "National Law Enforcement Day." We want to thank our local Law Enforcement for all their services in our communities. Friday morning started with exercises, followed by horse races. Friday afternoon was card bingo—Happy Birthday to Lyla Rutherford and Rita Anderson on January 10th.

On Thursday, January 16th, there will be a Winter Wonderland Tea in the afternoon. Maximum Hearing from Hanna will be at the Lodge to do a session on hearing aids on January 22nd at 10:30. Everyone is welcome to attend. Alberta Clothing will be at the Lodge on January 29th from 10:00 to 2:00. Have a great week, everyone, and stay safe.


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