Tips if you are being bullied

Pink Shirt Day, February 23, 2022, is a day when people wear pink to symbolize anti-bullying. One in five kids are affected by bullying, which is when someone says or does something that tears someone else down. It can result is serious emotional problems, including anxiety, low self-esteem, or depression. There are many different types of bullying which include physical, verbal, social/relationship bullying, and cyberbullying.

If you missed wearing your pink shirt to show support this week, or if you work from home, it’s still important to be aware of how bullying affects people, and what to do if it happens to you or someone you care about.

Tips if you are being bullied:

  • Walk away. Lots of times people will pick on individuals that they know will get a reaction from. Having no reaction or leaving the situation will give them no satisfaction or feeling of power over you.

  • Find good friends. Finding good friends can be hard and having one or two good friends is better than having five or six friends who maybe don’t care about you as much. Good friends will be there to support and stand up for you when you need it.

  • Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask help! Everyone needs support and help from time to time. If you feel like you cannot deal with it alone ask a close friend, teacher, family member, or call a help line.

Being bullied is not your fault. Bullies generally have something going on in their life that makes them act out and sometimes the only thing that makes them feel better is putting someone else down.

You are not alone! It is your right to be treated with respect. If you need help reach out to someone that you trust or call the bullying helpline 1-888-456-2323.

If you want to support pink shirt day or want more information about bullying you can visit or

Mikaela Wong is a University of Lethbridge Practicum Student working with Alberta Health Services in the South Zone.

PHOTO: Pink Day at New Brigden School


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Acadia Valley News: Feb 23