THE DELIA GAZETTE: Special Thursday Events at the Delia Curling Club

By Lonni Pedneault

12 more sleeps until Santa comes!

The Annual Christmas Dinner hosted by the Delia Senior Citizens at the Drop In Centre is at 5:00 pm today! (December 13) – Bring your tickets to be entered into the draw for a door prize! I will let you know who the winners are next week.

Reminder: the last day to donate to SANTAS ANONYMOUS and/or the FOOD BANK (donations help struggling local families) is December 15 to allow time for distribution. Donation bins are located at the Highland Market and the Delia Drop In Centre and your generosity is very cherished.

With so much going on, I almost missed sending birthday wishes to these December born people; Susan Ristich, Margaret Rogers, Dale Nelson and Dale Van Straten – we hope your special days are ‘special’! Happy Birthday!

The Delia Historical Society is still looking for volunteers. There is a meeting at 7:30 pm on December 14 and anyone interested in the history of Delia and surrounding area, or just wanting a reason to get out that doesn’t involve a complicated commitment is urged to drop in to the meeting at the Delia Museum and join.

The Library is hosting a Christmas Tree Building DIY Drop In Project on December 14 beginning at 3:30 pm in the Library. This is a free event and is free – materials are provided. Don’t forget the Library’s Book Sale! New sale items are refreshed this week!

Delia School and the Library are closed from December 23 – January 7 for the Christmas Holidays / Winter Break and will reopen on January 8 so there will be no Pickleball during these weeks.

The Delia Curling Club is starting their Special Thursday events. December 14 is the Pre-Solstice & Salsa night. Chips and your choice of sassy sauce along with seasonal beverages of course! Everyone is welcome to curl or watch or they can get you on a team or teach you how to curl and have some fun. Wing nights will begin in 2024. The New Year’s Cheer Spiel is December 29-31st. This will not be their traditional glow event but there’s talk about fireworks – stay tuned. Entries to Barry Mason or John Clayholt please.

And for those who never check the calendar or look out a window, Winter officially starts December 21 and we can only hope El Niño helps keep the blizzards and negative temperatures mild this year!

Regular weekly events in Delia:

  • Coffee & Cards every Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9 am at the Drop In Centre. Open to everyone.

  • Cards & Pool every Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Drop In Centre. Open to everyone.

  • Public Skating every Friday from 3:30 – 5:30 pm and every Sunday from 2 – 4 pm at the Delia Arena and concession is open. Get active or get fed or both!

  • Curling Thursdays at 7 pm at the Delia Curling Club. Drop ins are welcome!

  • Pickleball Thursdays in the school gym starting at 6:30 pm. Please advise Leah in the Library if you plan to play so equipment will be ready for you. (No Pickleball Dec 14, 21, 28 or Jan 4)

  • Bingo at the Delia Community Centre on Dec 19 starting at 7:45 pm. Come early! Sales begin at 7 pm. Bingo is every other Tuesday in Delia and new faces are always welcome!

If you have any news or shareable tidbits about people, places or events in our community please email me at Until next time, stay well and enjoy life!

On Nov 28, the good people of Atco, Kurt, our Public Works guy and Keith, our very own snow angel, put up the Christmas lights on light poles around the streets of Delia. Last year the weather was less inviting for them but this year saw them working on a beautiful sunny day with above zero temperatures! At night they are beautiful and you really know that Christmas is right around the corner! 19 more days until Santa comes (as of Dec 6). Remember when the ‘countdown of shopping days until Christmas’ existed?

On Thursday Nov 30, Chanel Annable from AHS visited the Delia Drop In Centre and discussed mental health with the seniors over coffee and Timbits. She left good resource material for people and additional visits in 2024 were proposed.

Dec 2 was a sad day in Delia as family and friends mourned the loss of Mitch Herzog and celebrated his life at the Community Hall. Mitch passed away peacefully on November 19 at the age of 62 and his love of life, contagious laugh and selflessness will leave a void in the lives of everyone whose lives entwined with his.


That’s a wrap, fall session adjourns


Axe the Tax!