That’s a wrap, fall session adjourns

Alberta’s government stood up for Albertans and delivered on its mandate from voters in the first sitting of the 31st legislature.

The fall legislative session started on Oct. 30 and Alberta’s government quickly introduced two bills to safeguard the financial interests of Albertans and businesses. The Taxpayer Amendment Act further strengthens Alberta’s position as the most taxpayer-friendly province in Canada. The Alberta Pension Protection Act protects the pensions and benefits of Albertans and locks in the promise that Alberta’s government will not move forward with a provincial pension plan unless it is approved by Albertans in a referendum.

Through the unanimously passed Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, 2023, Alberta’s government has strengthened its case against those who have contributed to the creation of the opioid addiction crisis.

Also in this sitting, Alberta’s government tabled its first Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act motion, which urges the government to take strong, effective action over the coming months and years to counteract the harms and risks to Albertans posed by the unconstitutional federal Clean Electricity Regulations (CERs).

“After the first fall session of the 31st legislature, Alberta’s government has kept its promises and delivered on our mandate from voters to take the province’s economy to new heights, protect Albertans’ finances and defend the autonomy of Alberta.”

— Joseph Schow, Government House Leader

During the inaugural session of the 31st legislature, Alberta’s government passed nine bills that will help grow the economy, protect law-abiding Albertans, improve health care and defend the province from federal interference.

Other fall legislation highlights:

  • The Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 ensures Alberta’s tax laws remain clear and consistent.

  • The Public Sector Employers Amendment Act, 2023 makes it easier for public sector employers to retain and attract talent.

  • The Public Health Amendment Act, 2023 creates clear lines of authority related to public health decisions and affirms that the people elected by Albertans should make the final decisions based on scientific and medical public health factors during a public health situation.

  • The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Amendment Act, 2023 gives Alberta a competitive advantage when it comes to recruiting tech workers.

  • The Justice Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 makes it easier for Albertans to access important justice services and ensures Alberta’s legislation is up to date.

  • The Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 serves as a housekeeping bill, ensuring the province’s legislation is up to date.

Motions passed in the chamber:

  • Government Motion 8 calls upon the federal government to put an end to the carbon tax and the burden it places on Albertans and their families.


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