Sibbald News, Feb. 12, 2021

Reported by Lee Switzer

Hello everyone. HA HA the joke was on me. In my first column written a few weeks ago, I commented about the mild winter temperatures. Well, winter has returned with a roar and created some tough conditions. Ranching neighbours are outside fighting with frozen waters, feeding many bales with tractors that may “hesitate” to start and putting out lots of bedding. The end is in sight and things will improve!

Several younger families are delighted to be back in the arena practicing hockey and local dance studios have re-opened with some restrictions. Nice to see hairdressers and massage options open as well. Restaurants are spreading their indoor wings too.

If you will allow me to indulge I would like to share some amazing news. Paige received her Masters in Counselling Psychology last April completing her Masters online before online became the normal. She then spent months with paperwork becoming a Provisional Psychologist by the fall of 2020. She is currently working in a private practice in Calgary and in a community practice four days a week (mainly utilizing computer platforms and telephone counselling). In October she decided to complete the final educational hurdle to study and write the Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology (EPPP) to become a Registered Psychologist. After months of an extremely dedicated study program she wrote the EPPP exam on February 11. This exam was four hours long, all multiple choice; involving content knowledge, analysis and synthesis of many areas within psychology. A very complex and difficult exam (not to mention costly!). She passed the exam with flying colours and is now a Registered Psychologist in Alberta. Those credentials are the highest she can attain. We are so proud of Paige. Her hard work has been rewarded.

Belated happy Valentine’s Day to all! Keep on showing kindness and caring to others, these acts make a difference too so many. Take care.


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