Oyen News Report, Feb. 12, 2021

By Diana Walker

Congratulations to Vishal and Nikita Patel of Oyen on the arrival of their second child, Shriya Vishal, born December 21, 2020, in Medicine Hat weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces — a sister for big brother Laksh.

Congratulations to Selena Smigelski and Brett Tainsh of Consort on the birth of their daughter Tainsley Darren Tainsh February 4, 2021, in Wainwright. Excited grandparents are Ramona and Darren Smigelski and great grandparents Willy and Rita Dick and Myrna Smigelski, all of Oyen, and Palmer Tainsh and Deanna Tainsh.

Speedy recovery wishes to Miles Logan of Oyen Lodge who spent a few days in hospital after a fall.

Frigid temperatures affect the schools

“School was closed Monday-Wednesday,” reports Jason Duchscherer, OPS principal. “A decision for Thursday and Friday will be made on the evening before or the morning of before 6:15 a.m. If we are -41° with windchill we will most likely be closed.”

“Assumption School is NEVER closed, doors are always open (on regular school days),” says Assumption RC School secretary Christie Caskey. “Prairie Rose buses were cancelled for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday due to extreme cold temperatures. Assumption School has moved over to ONLINE learning Wednesday and have students also in the building learning today whose parents decided to drive them in. We will continue to monitor cold temperatures daily, but looking cold again tomorrow.”

“The Oyen & District Memorial Arena is still open,” responds Lee Tucker, Oyen’s Parks and Recreation Director. “As of February 8 we can have sports groups (schools, minor hockey, figure skating) on ice in groups of 10 including instructors. These groups have to follow protocols set out by the government. This is only for under 18 groups. No adult activities allowed. No public skating allowed as well,” he concludes in his email.

New Business in Oyen

Oyen & District Chamber of Commerce thrilled to have a new business open in Oyen. Midtown Inn offers 25 fully renovated rooms.

Join the Palliser Triangle Health Advisory Council!

  • Are you passionate about healthcare and service delivery?

  • Do you enjoy engaging your friends, neighbours and community in discussion?

  • Do you have interest in improving health and wellness in your community?

We are recruiting volunteer members to the Palliser Triangle Health Advisory Council.
If you’re in the Bassano, Bow Island, Seven Persons, Cyprus County, Acadia Valley, Medicine Hat, Oyen, Irvine and County of 40 Mile, we’d like to hear from you!

Learn more about us online and apply today: Palliser Triangle Health Advisory Council
For more information: community.engagement@ahs.ca

Taken from front page The Oyen Echo

December 15, 1975

Due to the flu epidemic among students within Oyen Public School where more than 30% of the school population reported absent from school on Tuesday, December 9, and where others reported illness during classtime, Oyen Public School closed its doors until Monday, December 15, 1975.

This action was taken following consultation with representatives of the Acadia School Division No. 8, the Big Country Health Unit and a local medical physician.

Parents are requested to keep their children at home during this period so the virus is not spread. Children should be encouraged not to participate in group activities during this period in order to control the problem.

School will be closed for instructional purposes until Monday, unless otherwise advised. Should you have an questions or concerns, contact any teacher at Oyen Public School.

On behalf of the Acadia School Board, yours truly, School Board Trustee, C.T. Snell

Editor’s Note: the Assumption RC School and the kindergarten were also closed on Tuesday afternoon.

Reporter’s Note: Feb. 9, 2021—C.T. Snell’s obituary appeared in The Oyen Echo January 25, 2021.

NOTE: If you have club or personal news you would allow me to include in this column please email fwalker1@telus.net


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