Oyen’s Senior Lodge

By Kari Kuzmiski,
Activity Co-ordinator

Happy New Year from all of us at the Lodge, residents and staff!

We hope everyone had a safe, quiet Christmas. This Year was quite different for most. We would like to thank everyone that followed the rules and regulations that the government has put in place. The sooner we can get on with the New Normal… the better. As for us at the Lodge, it was a very quiet Christmas but a safe one. We are all safe and healthy.

We have been very fortunate to have a small Christmas dinner in which Santa visited and gave us each something special. We had “The Jorgenson’s” play their music for us and entertain us in the afternoon. Thank you to our kitchen staff for the wonderful meal and all who helped make this an enjoyable afternoon. Next Year we hope we can host a nice Christmas Party again with our families.

We have been very blessed with not having any Covid cases or lockdown. Our staff have gone above and beyond to keep everything clean, sanitized, organized, and followed all protocols. We thank everyone, including visitors, for keeping us safe. We ask everyone that if they are sick, have travelled, or been around anyone sick, please stay away until safe to come. This makes our jobs a lot easier and our residents safe. The last thing we want is to our loved ones sick.

As per activities, we are continuing to keep at it, from crafts, cards, bingo a couple of times a week, horse racing, exercises three times a week, church weekly, weekly smear games, shuffleboard, and much more. The residents keep me busy.

The weather has been so enjoyable and pleasant that many residents still enjoying an outdoor walk daily, and the others do indoor walks and use the exercise room with the bikes daily. They amaze me; I hope I am as active as them when I get to be their age.

We have also had a few new residents move in lately, and we welcome them with open arms. So nice to see our rooms keep occupied. They seem to be settling in quite nicely and joining in.

As we start a new year, we hope everyone has made their New Years Resolutions and sticking to them. Hahaha!

To start the New Year, we want to wish Ralph a Big Happy Birthday as Friday, Jan 8th, he turned 90!!! Amazing! His family organized a drive-by parade with fire and rescue units, ambulance, police, and lots of family and friends with balloons and signs off of their vehicles. It was so wonderful, and then Ralph, Marvel and Miles were gracious enough to entertain our residents that afternoon as well.

Jokes for the New Year:

  • Where can you go to practice math on New Year’s Eve? Times Square

  • What’s a New Year’s Resolution? Something that goes in One Year and out the other (or ear)

  • What did the little champagne bottle call his father? ”Pop”


Cereal News, Jan. 18


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