Cereal News, Jan. 18

Reported by Maxine Girletz

On behalf of my whole family I’d like to extend sympathies to the family of Anita Kruppi, formerly of the Hemaruka area.

Also to Sandy Sutherland’s family as she passed away recently and was a resident of the Oyen and Youngstown areas.

Nelson Bingeman passed away. He was a resident of the Oyen Lodge. To his family we send our sympathy.

Santa made his visit to the Lodge with stockings and gifts. The two Lodge Christmas meals were delicious as usual.

The Jorgensons and Miles Logan are keeping our toes tapping with music three afternoons a week.

Ralph Jorgenson had a cavalcade of vehicles come by with a lot of vehicles of every description for his 90th birthday—a really nice tribute to him. A lot of his family was able to be here in honor of Ralph.

On New Year’s Oyen had a great fireworks display and we had a good view from the Lodge.

Hoping you all had a great Christmas and a great New Year!

January 1-4

Happy birthday to Gunner Armstrong, Jeremy Molzan, Kruz Sorensen, Sophia Pagenkopf, Vanessa Coates Humen, Bill Rude, Harmony Logan, Jonathan Stief, Laurel Martin, Brandon Rude, Brent Beaudoin, Coy Pederson, Hunter Pachal, Jamie Gerein, Thinley Thomas Snell, Tim Marr, Sheenagh Snell, Wyatt Laughlin.

January 5-11

Happy birthday to Amanda Kroeger, Beau Armstrong, Mathew Cartwright, Morgan Peterson, Leonard Olsen, AJ Rude, Bill Barrack, Cory Duque, Raylee Salik, Savanna Tye, Blake Kulyk, Deb Smith, Ephrem Martin, Gordon L Wilson, Kim Hok, Odean Olsen, Deb Rude, Jayden Buettner, Naomi Mutai, Stan Letkeman, Bruce Carey, Cody Hok, David Fulton, David Kolotylo, Malik Lewin-Schorz, Matt Diakow, Shane Clarkson.

January 12-18

Happy birthday to Dannen Pomfrey, Tammie Kulyk, Ashley Molzan, Clayton Rude, Dejan Huston Krezovic, Jessica Hengerer, Liz Roberts, Michael Salik, Rhett Rude, Roscoe Goodbrand, Sarah Grover, Tracy Bomford, David Beaudoin, Jude Martin, Robbie Hok, Pam Kulyk, Taylor Pederson, Travis Mizera, Ashley Beaudoin, Brendan Dick, Sandra Beaudoin, Tara Pagenkopf, Adam Smith, Helen Reed, Melisa Vandenburg.

Happy anniversary to Tom and Karen Schmitz, John and Elsie Peacock.

January 19-25

Happy birthday to Sammy Conarroe, Axle Kroeger, Kate-Lynn Siray, Nina Dziatkewich, Brent Heggestad, Cindy Belton, Mike Vonwolzogen, Presley Sletton, Bev McCallum, Brittany Rude, Reed Marr, Sullivan Nelson, Emer Boehmer, Kagen Rude, Michael Hains.

Happy anniversary to Lee and Holly Pederson, Roger and Elisa Vanstone.

Jan. 26-Feb. 1

Happy birthday to Rick Wilson, Aiden Schnurer, Kara Marie Huston, Lesa Sletton, Mykenzie Olsen, Alice Grover, George Peacock, Rick Clarkson, Michael Pederson, Naomi Buettner, Rhonda Levall, Sandra Rude, Spencer Hogan, Marcy Logan, Ethan Peacock, Lois Smereka, Pam Dirk, Braxton Pederson, Scott Kreiser.

Happy anniversary to Denise and Roland Stief, Clair and Gaylene Cooper, Brent and Deb Hryciw, Curtis and Ashley Beaudoin.


A Memo From A Child to a Parent


Oyen’s Senior Lodge