Oyen Lodge Report: Welcome to new resident, Donna Stapley
By Dianne Spath
Hello, everyone. Well, we definitely saw all the seasons this past week: rain, snow and sunshiny warm weather. The Oyen Lodge would like to welcome a new resident to one of the Life Lease condos, Donna Stapley.
Monday morning started with exercises, followed by crafts. Monday afternoon was bingo. A few residents were missing, so I decided to give away door prizes for the blackouts only to make it more interesting because a bingo hadn’t been won on I 29 for a long time.
Tuesday morning was our regular bus run downtown. Scrabble games were played with the regular one-on-one resident. (I actually finally won a game). Tuesday afternoon was the ice cream parlour, which everyone loved. Taylor Neilson was at the Lodge to play piano before supper.
Wednesday morning started with exercises. After the exercises, there was a one-on-one with a resident that wanted to do some baking. Wednesday afternoon was shuffleboard games.
Thursday morning was the vaccination clinic for flu and COVID-19 shots. The decorating has begun for Halloween. Thursday afternoon, the Auxiliary residents visited the Lodge for coffee and snacks and to visit.
Friday morning was exercise followed by horse races. Normally, the horses are not that close in a race, but one race was interesting as all the horses were almost all in a row. Every player gets to pick 3 horses, so there seemed to be a bit of cheering. Friday afternoon was bingo. Everyone is getting excited to see kids on Halloween night, so make sure you bring your kids by for some treats. Have a great week, everyone.