Oyen Lodge Report: Mixed Weather

By Dianne Spath

Hello everyone. Another week of mixed weather, wind, rain and much-needed sunshine. It’s nice to get the odd little shower now and then to keep things smelling fresh and looking green. The Lodge courtyard looks lovely this year.

Monday morning started with exercises and Scrabble games. Monday afternoon was bingo and piano by Taylor Neilson.

Tuesday was the regular bus runs downtown and phase ten card games. On Tuesday afternoon, we did some walking outdoors, visiting and enjoying the sun in our comfy seating areas around the Lodge. Wednesday, exercises were followed by Church with Catherine and dominos. Wednesday afternoon was shuffleboard games.

Thursday morning was cornhole games in the courtyard. The weather was perfect for it, and everyone enjoyed it. Thursday was the National Ice Cream Soda Day, so the residents enjoyed Ice Cream sodas in the afternoon.

Friday started with exercises and horse races in the morning and card bingo in the afternoon.

Happy Birthday goes out to Isabelle Doupe on June 21 and Denis Hilts on June 23. The Oyen Lodge has hired a new secretary, we welcome Erin Van Koughnett. Have a great week everyone.


Take time to smell the flowers!


Canada Day: honour the past and look to the future