Oyen and District Seniors Report, Nov 1

By Beth Sykes

Twenty-three people gathered to enjoy a delicious potluck supper with many tasty main course dishes and desserts. There were also twenty-three people attending the following meeting.

After the meeting was called to order, the first item of business was making the 50/50 draw from the campaign, which began on May 1, 2023, and extended until November 1.  14,000 tickets had been sold. The winner was Taylor Fauth, and his winnings were $7060. He was contacted by phone while he sat at the Saddledome watching a Flames game and expressed excitement and gratitude about his winnings.

The meeting then moved on to regular business, reading the minutes and hearing the financials for the month. When we moved on to old business items, we learned that the repairs to the Hall are now completed, with the exception of the flu caps. The recent Fun Night on October 27 was attended and enjoyed by fourteen people. Those attending enjoyed the socializing, games and the many snacks, which on this night turned out to be mainly of the dessert variety—the next Fun Night, previously scheduled for November 24, had to be rescheduled to Thursday, November 30.

We had further discussion about the annual Christmas Dinner, which is happening on December 6 at 6:00 p.m. at the Seniors Recreation Centre. Jessie Battrum is selling tickets for $25. She can be reached at 403-664-2515. The Dinner is prepared and served by parents and members of a junior hockey team. Entertainment following the meal will be provided by Shirley Foot, Brad Broadhead and Clark Huston.

The Hall continues to be regularly used for Floor Curling, which began on October 11 and will continue for the season on Wednesdays until May 1, 2023. (Last article written in October 11 Echo was in error, indicating Floor Curling continued to end of May.) New Rinks are drawn up each Wednesday, so anyone is welcome to begin at any time. If you have questions about Floor Curling, contact Heather White at 403-664-3854 or Beth Symes at 403-664-2462. Pickle Ball is also being played, and new people are also invited to join this activity. Please contact Lorraine Guckert at  403-664-2499 if you would like to participate in this activity. Arm Chair Yoga continues to be offered on Monday evenings from 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.

There was some discussion about other activities which could be offered at the Hall as a means of fundraising. Shirley Foot had done some investigating about the possibility of using the Hall to host Bingo games. Her findings seemed to indicate that the number of volunteers required to host Bingo and other complications required for the scheduling, as well as information from a group which does Bingo on a regular basis, indicated that it was not a sure fundraising activity. Hosting a movie was also suggested as a possible activity to raise funds but was tabled until the next meeting.

The next Pot Luck Supper and Meeting will be held on January 3, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Seniors Recreation Centre. We invite new members to join us as we are always welcoming new members to our Oyen and District Seniors Group. If you are a Senior living in the Oyen and District area, please consider this as an activity and a group to join for the New Year.


Youth Club Volunteers with the Pumpkin Parade


Normal operation resume at Big Country Hospital