Cereal News, Feb. 24, 2021

Reported by Maxine Girletz

Our condolences are extended as well to the family of Maxine Westerlund who died February 18 at the Extended Care in Oyen.

Our deepest sympathies are extended to the family of Minnie Blair, formerly of Sedalia area, then of Oyen and recently residing in Consort, who died February 21.

March 1-7

Happy birthday to Ashley Leslie, Breanna Hayworth, Clark Boehmer, Edward Peacock, Elliott Martin, Maureen Muzyka, Eileen Reimer, Leroy Schlenker, Lucus Duffield, Mira Homan, Brielle Leslie, Lindsey Paterson, Andrea Thornton, Duncan Kelsey, Ivy Homan, Kari Beaudoin, Gary Bannick, Jace Howe, Jasmin Reimer, Adam Paterson, Angie Shier, Maxine Howie, Vincent Vanstone.

Happy anniversary to Tim and Vicki Marr.


Acadia Valley News, Feb. 24, 2021


Food for Thought: Has Trudeau lost his marbles?