Food for Thought: Has Trudeau lost his marbles?

By Robert Blagen

Last week Trudeau was telling us how he was making all Canadians safer by buying all our guns back and banning most firearms. The next day he announces that we have too many Indian and Black criminals in jail. So, for “Gun”crimes and “Drug”crimes, he’s doing away with jail terms for them. They mostly got a slap on the wrist, but now he’s going to pat them on the head and send them home and tell them to be good little girls and boys. Canada will sure be a lot safer now! He didn’t mention “White criminals” though, so I guess they will just still go to prison. This should also be very good for racism! I think if you “do the crime”, you should be prepared to “do the time” in jail, regardless of your race or colour.


Cereal News, Feb. 24, 2021


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