2022 Garbage Bylaw Changes Explained

Why Change? Why now?

Council deliberated over the new garbage bylaw for 3 months before finding a solution that they felt benefited the majority of the residents of Oyen. The facts that they were facing and needed to resolve were increased volume of garbage and increased cost of moving that garbage.

In the past 9 years the volume of garbage in Oyen has tripled, while at the same time our population has decreased. That increased volume means increased number of trips to the transfer station for our contractors, and increased trips for Big Country Waste Management from Oyen to Youngstown. Increased trips = increased costs plus wear and tear on equipment.

Big Country Waste Management has also been doing their due diligence in the face of rising operating costs, and in an effort to hold expenses and extend the life of the cells, they now require all cardboard and paper to be recycled in the recycle bins in communities where they are available. There may be some growing pains with this, but we are working closely with Big Country Waste Management to ensure they are emptied regularly and if required they will budget to add additional bins. Businesses with large volumes of cardboard can contract directly with Big Country Waste Management to have a bin placed at their location for a fee. Contact Big Country Waste Management at (403) 857-9300.

Council also felt that diverting organic yard waste (grass clipping and leaves), to the compost pile by the fishing pond, would also provide a significant decrease in garbage needing to be transported to the transfer station, and then on to Youngstown.

Council looked at what other communities are doing, and modeled this Bylaw after Hanna, where they are limited to 3 bags per week with additional bag tags available for $2.50. Council has placed Oyen’s limit at 4 bags per week. These bags may be a maximum of 36 inches tall by 24 inches wide and weigh no more than 30 pounds when full. If you normally have smaller bags, than place a number of smaller bags inside of a larger bag, to help you stay within the bag limits. There is also the option to buy additional bag tags, which can be purchased ahead of time and kept on hand for occasions where there is extra garbage.

Council could have continued to leave things as they were and increased costs to all residents, or make these small adjustments to hold costs down, thereby benefitting the majority of the residents.

Change is never easy, but we ask that you remember your Council worked hard to come up with this solution, and, they are also residents and members of the community who pay the same bills and must abide by these same rules. They are working hard on your behalf.


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