Youngstown Communiqué, Apr. 1, 2021
I wish to send my condolences out to the family and friends of Bernie Olds who passed away recently. Bernie, a long time friend of mine, formerly from the Cereal area, was currently residing at the Hanna extended care.
Cereal News, Apr. 1, 2021
Sympathy of the Cereal Community is extended to Jean Olds, formerly a resident of Cereal, now living in the Oyen Lodge, and family on the death of her husband Bernie, age 86 on March 21.
Oyen News Briefs, Apr. 1, 2021
Congratulations to Shelley Norris on her retirement at Chinook Applied Research Association. Shelley has been managing the front desk and accounting responsibilities at CARA for over 20 years.
New domestic violence legislation coming into effect
At that time, people who feel they are at risk of domestic violence can apply for a disclosure to find out if their intimate partner has a history of domestic violence or related acts.
Two residents test positive for COVID-19 variant at Oyen Lodge
The Oyen Echo received the following press release from the Acadia Foundation on March 30, 2021:
Out like a lion - winter storm roars through east central Alberta
After experiencing temperatures in the mid-teens on Sunday, March 28, the east central half of the province woke up to a raging blizzard on Monday, March 29.
Vaccine rollout expanding to Phase 2B
Phase 2B of Alberta’s vaccine rollout includes cancer patients, transplant recipients, individuals with disabilities, dementia and other conditions that put them at higher risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19.
New K-6 curriculum: Renewing focus on essential knowledge and skills
The revised and strengthened K-6 curriculum – the result of more than a year of consultations with parents, teachers, and subject matter experts – is based on proven research and is designed to improve student outcomes across all subjects, following several years of declining and stagnant student performance.
St. John Ambulance partners with Health Canada to combat the opioid poisoning crisis
St. John Ambulance is proud to announce 2 programs as part of Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP). Both programs are aimed at reducing opioid-related deaths by increasing access to opioid poisoning response training.
Oyen Lodge, Mar. 28, 2021
It is so wonderful to start seeing the nice weather outside, although a little windy, we are grateful for the sunshine and lack of snow falling!
Sibbald News, Mar. 28, 2021
Spring has officially arrived and the weather is very “spring like”. Cloudy then sunny, calm and then windy. Just hoping for some spring showers or wet snows to send some moisture our way.
Fire advisory issued for Special Areas
Early spring conditions, including low relative humidity levels combined with below average precipitation levels has meant an increase risk of grassfires in the region.
Youngstown Communiqué, Mar. 28, 2021
I would like to send my sincere sympathies out to the family and friends of Elaine Woods of Oyen, who passed away on Sunday, March 21. Elaine was 95 years of age.
Buffalo News, Mar. 28, 2021
It has been a long time in coming - this week I have good news to write!
Cereal News, Mar. 28, 2021
Happy birthday to Leslie Girletz, Ray Girletz, Brooklyn Pagenkopf, Earl Fraser, Garret Thornton, Brenda Barr, Stephen and Emma MacNutt, Gayle Pederson, Nathan Daley, Neilene Cote, Oaklan Nelson, Angela Paterson, Bryan Shier, Catlan Olsen, Roland McNiven, Cliff Holt, Ryan Mackenzie, Riley Tye.
Oyen News Briefs, Mar. 28, 2021
All Prairie Rose Regional School Division schools (except Jenner) will be closed March 27 through April 5 for Easter break. We hope everyone has a safe and healthy break from classes.
A grandfather leaves a lasting legacy
The memorial statue situated in Veterans Park in downtown Medicine Hat is a permanent reminder for Don Bamber of Oyen.
Introducing Jordan Parker
Jordan Parker is a communications professional who runs his own television and film firm Parker PR. An award-winning journalist, Parker has worked all over the country, including in Swift Current, Gull Lake, Maple Creek and Grande Prairie, but calls Nova Scotia home.
Acadia Valley News, Mar. 24, 2021
Happy Easter break everyone! The kids are off a week earlier than usual this year. I’m sure everyone will enjoy the break.
Buffalo News Report, Mar. 22, 2021
It has been a long time in coming - this week I have good news to write!