Cereal Celebrations! Mar. 21, 2021
Happy birthday to Brent Hryciw, Emerson Mandseth, Emmie Smith, Jade Smith, Kevin Olds, Tyler Satterlee, Alex MacLean, Karlee Beaudoin, Kendall Dziatkewich, Lois Stark, Sharon MacNutt, Janelle Grover, Reid Clow, Adam Diakow, Annie Davis, Barbara Curtis, Claire Pederson…
Oyen Lodge
Hi! My name is Sara Smith; I am originally from the area living just up north between Consort and Sedalia. I attended Consort School and eventually wound up dating a boy from Oyen; we moved to Calgary for a few years but ultimately decided we were missing the prairies.
Oyen News Briefs, Mar. 21, 2021
Canada geese were seen flying overhead heralding spring’s arrival. The weather must not have suited them as they seem to have continued their journey.
Youngstown Communiqué, Mar. 18, 2021
I received a phone call from long time friend Neil Garbutt of Red Deer. He shared with me the sad news of the recent passing of his youngest brother Garry.
COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta
The province is immunizing Albertans as quickly as our supplies allow. Continue to follow all health guidelines in place to protect each other and the health-care system.
Acadia Valley News, Mar. 17, 2021
Happy St. Pattrick’s Day everyone. My kids didn’t have any luck catching that tricky leprechaun again this year!
Sibbald News, Mar. 17, 2021
Top of the morning to you, Happy St Patrick’s Day to everyone! I hope your are enjoying the sunshine and brilliant blue sky these days. Well, we survived another time change.
Cereal Special Occasions
Happy birthday to Bret Olsen, Dustin Nelson, Garrett Beaudoin, Jersey Girletz, Keldon Kulyk, MaryAnn Salik, Ryann Holbein, Aiden Mandseth, Geoffrey Morey, Sierra Ford, Tera Dziatkewich, Brad Beaudoin, Christian MacLean, Hudson Bowles, Jaycee Beaudoin, Rosalee Duque, Bob Rosine…
New Daycare opens in Oyen
A new daycare opened its doors in Oyen on Monday, March 1st, and is a welcome addition to the Oyen Public School at 107 - 4th Avenue East.
COVID-19 vaccinations expand March 15 with Phase 2A
All Albertans born between 1947 and 1956 will soon be able to book appointments throughout the province. Also eligible to book vaccinations starting Monday are First Nations, Métis and Inuit people born in 1971 or earlier.
Youngstown Communiqué, Mar. 11, 2021
It seems that this past week has been a quiet one here in town, so not too much to report. The streets here in town are a bit of a challenge as the nicer temperatures, and the melting ice is giving us quite a bit of slush to navigate through.
Acadia Valley News, Mar. 10, 2021
It looks like the warmer weather is here to stay. There have been quite a few people enjoying ice fishing at the dam. Please keep an eye on the ice conditions and be prepared to remove your shacks soon.
Child and Youth Advocate releases Statement of Concern
“Family breakdown is one of the most difficult circumstances young people can experience,” said Del Graff, Provincial Advocate. “It is important that parents respond to their children’s emotional needs and minimize their exposure to conflict.
Road Bans in effect March 8
Effective 1:00 pm on March 8, 2021, the Special Areas Board placed a road ban on municipal oiled, base course, and paved roads throughout the Special Areas.
Acadia Valley News, Mar. 4, 2021
Spring is in the air and the days are getting longer. It’s been melting quite a bit this week. The outdoor rink is now closed for the season.
Youngstown Communiqué, Mar. 4, 2021
There sure are a lot of mixed feelings and opinions being expressed on the state of the Pandemic situation and how its being handled these days.
Purple Pansies for Pancreatic Cancer
For the past 9 years, Pam Kosolofski has been collecting donations in exchange for packs of purple pansies in support of Pancreatic Cancer Canada.
Oyen Weekly Briefs, Mar. 3, 2021
We received word of the death of former Oyenite Lynne Baisley, 76, of Sherwood Park on February 26, 2021, following an aneurysm.
Cereal News, Mar. 2, 2021
Appreciation to FCSS for the goodie bags left in our rooms at the Oyen Lodge. These deeds are a pickup to us in these trying times.
Sibbald Area News, Mar. 2, 2021
Congratulations and hugs are sent to Chad and Jeri (Smith) Samoisette on the birth of their first child, a son, Jaxon Ray, who arrived on February 16/2021.