Check It Out: Canadian military incapable of protecting our borders
The Canadian soldier returned home and said to his wife, “I survived IED’s, RPG attacks and extreme weather conditions.”
Why Documents Matter
There has been a lot of news about confidence votes in Parliament as of late. While these votes make headlines, they have, so far, not forced an election.
Pop 89: Twenty Minute Miracle
I’m sitting in a parking lot, facing the Island highway that leads north to Parksville, where I’ll be taking my brother to his next appointment.
Check It Out: Are the provinces responsible for Quebec’s asylum seekers?
A grandma was writing in her journal at the kitchen table while her ten-year-old grandson sat beside her, eating his cereal. He carefully watched his grandma for several minutes...
The Police in Nova Scotia issued an apology for profiling black people. I think everybody would agree that this wasn’t the right thing to do.
Growing Through Grief: Honesty
One of the most helpful tools for us in life is to be consciously aware of our values. A core value that many of us share is honesty.
Pop 89: Everyday a Mythology
Lately, I find myself repeating a bit of wisdom an older woman shared with me way back when I was only half listening. At that point I had yet to reach my third third of life.
Check It Out: Why aren't more medical professionals talking about this?
The story is told of a desert nomad who, awakened by hunger one night, decided he'd have a snack. Lighting a candle, he grabbed a date and took a bite.
Words Need to be Backed by Action!
On September 5th, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh announced that he was ripping up the Supply and Confidence Agreement, a de facto coalition the NDP have been...
Pop 89: Nature-Loving Nature
As the gate on the right closed on the horizon and the field, the gate on the left opened to a new lot of heifers.
Check It Out: Revealing what's “hidden in plain sight”
A young mom said she and her daughter play a game when they're in the car. Her daughter plays a song and her mom guesses the artist and title within seconds of listening.
Pop 89: Golden Hour on Grace Road
This year The Town Man is a teenage girl with the unsurpassed industriousness of an ant preparing for winter. Yesterday she filled the potholes on Centre Street.