Youngstown News April 14

By Lydia Goodbrand

Well, it’s been a bit colder in Youngstown lately, especially compared to some of the warmer days we’ve had. There was a skiff of snow earlier in the week, but nothing substantial. Hopefully we receive some more moisture soon.

At the last Town Council meeting on April 5, a variety of issues were discussed. The new auditor presented the 2021 Audited Financial Statements and a Municipal Fees bylaw was passed. A grant application has been submitted to the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre for the Electric Vehicle Charging Program and the rec board grants were approved. Harvest Sky has also hired a company to look into installing solar panels on a municipal building. In other town news, the Youngstown and District Community Centre will be having their AGM on April 21 at 7 pm at the Hall. Everyone is welcome.

There are also some exciting things happening around Youngstown School. Students working in the greenhouse have been busy taking care of their plants! If anyone has extra mineral tubs, please drop them off by the door of the greenhouse so they can be used as planters. Congratulations also to Corbin MacMillan, Rorrick MacPherson, Vance Laughlin, Mason Fildey, and Courtney Campbell, who will advance to zones after the sr. high badminton in St. Anthony’s in Drumheller on April 12.

Just a reminder that Homestead Angus (Haley and Calvin Powell) will be hosting their Black Angus bull sale via DLMS with guest cosignors Elliott Bros on April 16 and 17. Call the Powells at 403-854-6507 for more information.

Thanks for reading. Have a good week everybody.


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