Youngstown Communiqué: Kindergarten New Years Eve draw winners

Reported by Robert Blagen

The winners of the Kindergarten New Years Eve draw have been reported to be as follows: 1st went to Troy Tattrie. 2nd went to Heidi Zimmerman. 3rd went to Carl and Louise Beasley. Congratulations to the winners and a huge thank you to all who purchased tickets in support of this Fundraiser. It is my understanding that there is an online auction fundraiser being organized for the Kindergarten in the New Year. I will share more information once the details and items have been organized and the auction site has been set up.

I hope everyone was able to find a way to celebrate bringing in the New Year in an enjoyable and healthy way. I imagine it was not the way the majority of the population had originally hoped to do it. In my case, other than being able to get together with family and friends either on New Years Eve for a bit and possibly on New Years Day for a meal, my celebrations are pretty quiet regardless of how I am able to spend it.

This morning marks the date that all our students are able to return to in person classes.
Here’s hoping the Covid numbers continue to lessen, so life can return to some sense of normalcy.

I have been noticing by all the tracks and sounds of them, that the Ski-doo fans have been taking advantage of the snowfall we have had and snow we still have to get as many rides in as they can before the white stuff disappears on them.

On my walks in the mornings, I have noticed a fairly large herd of deer hanging around the edge of town, and from all the tracks I have seen, they must be making a habit of cruising through town as well.


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