Youngstown Communique: Be safe in this cold snap

Reported by Robert Blagen

How has everyone been surviving this cold snap. Even our school buses did not run the last few days due to the extreme cold. If you do have to be out in these conditions, please dress warmly and take proper precautions. It does not take long at all to get frostbite. A reminder as well that if you must travel, it would be wise to have extra provisions packed and in the car just in case, even though in this day and age with everyone having cell phones, help is usually available within a short amount of time. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared though.

I am happy to report that the Kindergarten online Fundraiser Auction seems to have been well supported and has been deemed a success with lucky bidders of the auction items busy picking up their goods.

Word has been received that Charles Stoll, son of Jim and Mary Stoll, passed away January 25th, 2021 in Brazil where he had been residing for the past several years. Some of you may remember visiting with him at the Centennial in 2013. He is survived by his siblings, Carol, Jim and Jane. He was buried in Brazil.

Now that the restaurants are able to open, albeit with restrictions, I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy.


Cereal Volunteer Fire Department takes Livestock Emergencies in Transport course


Brrrr … East central Alberta has been in a deep freeze for the past week