Youngstown Communiqué, Feb. 19, 2021

Reported by Robert Blagen

I would like to send out my condolences to the family and friends of Wendy Dafoe of the Coronation area who has recently died.

It seems that we are getting a reprieve from our frigid weather this week as our temperatures seem to be on the rise. A welcome change from the last couple of weeks or more of the average temperature being minus 30 plus. Then you add the wind chill on top of it, and it’s sure makes you appreciate the warmer days being forecasted.

During this cold snap, a few residents reported having water lines freezing up. The Hotel here in town also had pipes freeze and unfortunately it has been reported that the pipes had also burst causing a water leak.

I am happy to report that Jim Mably who is employed by the Village made a small outdoor skating area between the Skating Rink and the Rec Centre. Although a smaller area, it is a perfect Rink for the younger children to enjoy.

I may be a bit late with my wishes, but hope you were able to spend your Valentine’s Day with your loved ones and your Family Day holiday with your family doing something enjoyable.


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