Unique celebration honours Ralph Jorgenson

By Rita Dillabough

Amidst all the Covid restrictions, challenges and tragedies, there is always something great to celebrate.

Our dad, Ralph Jorgenson reached a milestone birthday of 90 years young, on January 8, 2021.

We, as family and friends were determined to find a way to safely celebrate Dad’s 90th birthday.

Covid helped us to look at other options to celebrate such happy times. We had heard about drive by celebrations and proceeded to see what we could do.

After communication with the Alberta Call Center, to make sure we were within the Covid Guidelines of Alberta, we contacted the Oyen Fire Department, the Oyen Police Department, the Oyen Ambulance, the Oyen Handy Bus, numerous friends and family, to see if they would be able to join us, in a Drive By Celebration. We were absolutely thrilled at the overwhelming positive response that we received from everyone.

So on January 8, at 1:30 pm, under sunny skies and minimal to no wind, we met with our vehicles, at the Oyen Fire Hall.

RCMP Constable Art Hopkins, capably led our energetic Birthday Convoy through the town of Oyen and past the Seniors Lodge. He was followed by Trevor and Cory driving the Ambulance, Manfred Schroeder driving the Handy Bus, an excited entourage of friends and family, followed by creative Gary Jorgenson driving the EMCON Inc Snow Plow Truck (note the “signage” on the snow plow blade and the front of truck), accompanied by Brent Clampitt and ending with a very enthusiastic and supportive Keith Mehl, at the wheel of the shiny red Fire Engine.

With sirens going, lights flashing, arms waving, balloons floating, birthday greeting signs attached to vehicles and others waving in the air, air horns blowing, and car horns honking, we drove by Ralph (and Marvel) congratulating him on his 90 YEARS YOUNG BIRTHDAY and wishing him the very best in 2021 and onward.

Ralph says he was so happy, surprised, overwhelmed and humbled by the celebration - he is still wondering if “that really happened”?

He said the only thing better would have been to give/get hugs and face to face visits. Hopefully next year Dad!

The afternoon wrapped up with Dad, Mom and Miles Logan playing music for the appreciative Oyen Lodge Residents, where Mom, Dad & Miles, all call home.

The week before, we had also compiled a surprise group of video recorded Birthday wishes for Dad (VidHug) which turned out really successful too!

Thank you so much to each and every person who helped us to safely and successfully celebrate Dads 90th Birthday, including “family, friends & staff” at the Oyen Lodge as well!


PHOTO: Ralph Jorgenson gives the thumbs up for his surprise 90th birthday celebration which was held on January 8.


Ralph Jorgenson celebrates his 90th Birthday!


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