Students usher in a new year!

By Joan Janzen

After an extended holiday break, students returned to school on Monday, January 10th, however diploma exams that were scheduled to start on January 11th, were cancelled. The break followed a busy month of December for the students at New Brigden School.

The students and staff prepared their 2021 Christmas Concert, which was video taped for family and friends. The concert included nine performances. As well as performing, the students remembered to honour various people, which included their two bus drivers who were presented with a gift. A special gift was also given to Megan McBain in appreciation of the piano lessons she offers.

Congratulations were also awarded to student Keller Tye for attaining 2nd place in the bus poster contest. Derek Beck, the PRPS Director of Transportation came to New Brigden School to present the award.

Three Grade 5 students from Oyen Public School were winners in the bus safety poster contest. They were Hadley Vold, 1st; Briar Wilson, 2nd; and Maddox McLean, 3rd. These students won out of all the Grade 5 students in Prairie Rose Public Schools. Their posters will go on to Provincials.

Meanwhile, students at South Central High School in Oyen had collected donations for their local food bank and hospital in the month of December. Donations of socks, mitts, toques and toys were gratefully accepted. Spirit Week took place during the week of December 13th to 17th. Daily attire included: Christmas PJ’s, red and green wear, ugly sweaters, Christmas character costumes and formal wear. More community spirit was exhibited when the Health 9 class decorated the park at the end of Main Street with Christmas lights.

Over at Assumption Roman Catholic School in Oyen, students celebrated Jersey Day and Hats on for Mental Health one day in December. The students were also pleasantly surprised with Christmas cupcakes and hot chocolate during the festive season.

After a busy month of December, 2021, students in New Brigden and Oyen are ready to start off 2022!


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