Special Areas tours converted Sheerness Generating Station

The Special Areas Board enjoyed touring the Sheerness Generating Station earlier this month, the first tour for the Board since the station converted to natural gas from coal in 2021. Heartland Generation presented the Special Areas Board with a plaque commemorating the last piece of coal used for power generation. On behalf of the Board, Jordon Christianson thanked Heartland for their continued partnership at Sheerness, speaking to the value they bring to the whole region. Heartland’s ongoing focus on volunteerism and community giving was highlighted as creating meaningful positive impacts in communities throughout the Special Areas.

Heartland Generation is one of Alberta’s largest power generators and supplies more than 2,660 MW (gross) of reliable power to industrial, commercial, and residential consumers. You can learn more about Heartland Generation, and the Sheerness Generating Station, at https://www.heartlandgeneration.com/about-us.

PHOTOS COURTESY SPECIAL AREAS, click for larger images

Earlier this fall, Advisory Council met for their regular quarterly meeting in Hanna, AB. The group covered a wide range of topics, including challenges related to industrial development and ongoing drought conditions in the region. The group shared some of the key issues related to renewable energy development projects with representatives from Edmonton. Advisory Council also discussed some of the impacts these projects were having on local enforcement agencies, including the value of having dedicated enforcement in the areas with renewable energy projects. The group finished out the day with presentations related to regional watershed modelling and municipal planning and development services.

The next meeting of the Special Areas Advisory Council will be held this December. The Special Areas Board meets bi-monthly throughout the Special Areas.

Ellison Krismer, Manager of Maintenance & Engineering for Sheerness Generation Station, presenting a commemorative plaque to the Special Areas Board. Jordon Christianson accepted on behalf of the Special Areas Board.


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Natural gas regulated rates remain stable for November