Special Areas excited to be back to in-person ratepayer meetings

Ratepayer meetings, which were moved online due to the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, are back to being held in-person for 2022. These public meetings give residents a chance to meet with Administration and Advisory Councillors right in their communities. Beginning each May, the annual ratepayer meeting “tour” translates to over 1,200 kilometers traveled.

Annual ratepayer meetings have been a part of how Special Areas connects since the early days of the Board. These meetings are a terrific way for the public to become a part of municipal decision-making. Ratepayers can share feedback on Special Areas performance, get information, and make motions on things they want discussed by Advisory Council. Ratepayer motions can be remarkably diverse, ranging from individual concerns on specific projects to larger policy and program considerations. Motions from ratepayer meetings are then reviewed by Advisory Council.

At these meetings, ratepayers can pick up copies of public documents like audited financial statements, newsletters, presentations, and public reports. Copies of presentations and documents are also available at www.specialareas.ab.ca on the Ratepayer Meeting page. Ratepayers are encouraged to reach out to their Advisory Council member if they are not able to attend local ratepayer meetings and would like to discuss an issue.

The Special Areas Board is made up of four members, including three members from Advisory Council. Currently, Brad Slorstad represents Special Area No. 2, Daryl Swenson represents Special Area No. 3, and Doug Noble represents Special Area No. 4 on the Board. Board appointments are set to expire April 2024.

“The way our Board and Advisory Council work together to provide local governance is unique in the province. Our Board members need to bring a regional perspective when setting priorities, which can be challenging at times. Special Areas is known for finding pragmatic, innovative and cost-efficient solutions which help all the Special Areas. The strong relationships between our Board, Advisory Council, and ratepayers are the reason for Special Areas continued success.”Jordon Christianson, Chair

Jordon Christianson is the Chair of the Special Areas Board. This role is appointed for set terms like the other appointments to the Board, with the current appointment set to expire September 2025. The Chair serves in a similar capacity to a CAO in a rural municipality. For more information on the Special Areas Board and Advisory Council, visit www.specialareas.ab.ca.

L to R is Doug Noble (SA4), Brad Slorstad (SA2), Daryl Swenson (SA3), Jordon Christianson (Chair).

Photo courtesy Special Areas


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