Sibbald News, Jan 8

By Lee Switzer

Happy New Year all! Christmas decorations are now put away and trees are either outside or put in a bin for another year. I am sure everyone enjoyed lots of family and friend time, visiting, excellent meals, and lots of love and laughter. Truly a wonderful time of the year.

Strap on your snowsuits as snow is coming and the temperatures are plunging. After months of balmy winter I hope this cold weather knocks down some of the nasty colds and flus that are making folks very sick.

Sincere sympathy and hugs are sent to the Woods families on the passing of Dick Woods. Dick leaves behind a wonderful legacy in his children and their families. Another pioneer of the community is gone.

School kids and staff are back into the school routine after Christmas holidays. Hockey continued through the holidays but now, all regular activities will be back. Parents will be up and down the roads once again.

Take care everybody.


Editorial Cartoon: Housing


Happy New Year!