Oyen Lodge News: Residents enjoy tour of Empress Train Station

By Dianne Spath

Hello, everyone. It's been hot this week. I can't believe July is already over; it seems like summer is going by so fast. Monday's activities were exercises, one-on-one, walking with residents and bingo in the afternoon.

Tuesday was regular bus runs downtown and outdoor walks in the morning. In the afternoon, we had coffee time and ice cream treats in the shade in the courtyard.

Wednesday, exercises and card games were done in the morning. In the afternoon, there were a few games of shuffleboard.

Thursday morning were horse races. In the afternoon, Big Country Learning provided an ice cream parlour. The residents are getting their fill of ice cream and enjoying it. It's the season for it, for sure. Allen and Thelma Young, good friends of the Jorgenson's, enjoyed Thursday evening music. Shirley Vanstone had a wonderful visit with her two sisters from Edmonton area. They stayed a few days and took part in the activities.

Friday morning was exercise. Then we took a drive to Empress, where we had a tour of the train station and were given some history from Rachel Booker and Laura Munro. The residents then enjoyed some great food from the café, which is run by Tanya Barnes, a visit with Laura Munro, and a tour of the town of Empress. Friday evening, there was music by the Jorgenson's. I hope everyone has a great long weekend.


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