Oyen Lodge News: Residents celebrate National Vanilla Ice Cream Day!

By Dianne Spath

Hello everyone. Well, it’s definitely been a hot one. Acadia Valley was the hotspot on Tuesday at 38 degrees. Looks like summer is here. Monday was exercises, one on one with a resident that enjoys walking in the mornings. Bingo was in the afternoon.

Tuesday was our regular bus runs downtown and some walking outdoors before it gets too hot. It was National vanilla ice cream day on Tuesday, so in the afternoon the residents enjoyed the ice cream parlour for a nice cool afternoon.

Wednesday was exercises followed by some outdoor horseshoe games. In the afternoon was shuffleboard.

Thursday morning were horse races. The activity coordinator took Thursday afternoon and Friday off, so there were no activities.

The Jorgenson’s played music Friday evening. Every afternoon when its hot the activity coordinator will take a “cooling cart” to each floor and hand out cold water, freezes, or popsicles to make sure all the residents stay hydrated and cool. Everyone stay cool and hydrated and have a wonderful week.


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