Oyen Lodge News: Birthday and Anniversary celebrations this week

By Dianne Spath

Hello Everyone. The first week of August, the weather was a bit cooler, but it was a nice change from the heat. It was nice to get some rain to freshen things up again. I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. Tuesday was our regular bus run, followed by some indoor games. Tuesday was National Root Beer Float Day, so the residents enjoyed some root beer floats in the afternoon.

A day out at the Acadia Valley Tea House. PHOTO BY DIANNE SPATH


Wednesday morning was exercises. Outdoor horseshoes were cancelled due to the cool weather. Wednesday was pub afternoon. The residents enjoyed some refreshments and celebrated Doreen Rudes' birthday and Don & Margaret Bamber's 65th Anniversary. Some residents dressed in purple because of Purple Heart Day.

Thursday morning was spent outdoors walking. ATB Financial Bank was at the Lodge in the morning. The residents also enjoyed lunch and homemade pie at the Acadia Valley Elevator and a drive-by of the solar panel area in Acadia Valley. The young ladies who prepared our meals did a wonderful job. The handi bus took a different route back to Oyen so the residents could see some different country.

Friday morning was exercises. Some residents went to the farmer's market for a little shopping and turkey dinner prepared by the Acadia Colony. Friday evening, there was music by the Jorgenson's. Have a great week, everyone.


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