Oyen Lodge News

By Sara Smith

Hello everyone, we are thankful that the weather has stayed somewhat pleasant, gladly no snow as of now, which is amazing! If it’s not too windy, it is still nice enough to go for a walk with a nice jacket on, of course!

We have been so busy here at the Lodge, as we are getting into the colder months, we have had to find lots of things to do inside. We are starting monthly socials to get all residents interacting with one another in different settings; we have done a ladies tea, men’s social, birthday bashes, and the wonderful music brought by the Jorgensons!

We also had a very successful garage sale, lots of items sold, and I am very thankful for all of the resident’s help and the maintenance crew for bringing all of our items up! Thank you to the community for attending!

We are getting ready for Halloween as it is just around the corner, the Lodge will be handing out candy, and some of the residents will be located just inside the front of the building handing out candy! Make sure to pop on by and show off all the awesome costumes this year. The residents would be overjoyed to see everyone!

Happy Halloween we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and stays warm!

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