Oyen Funeral Home marking 100 years in business

By Jordan Parker

MacLean’s Funeral Home has been in operation for a century, and the Town of Oyen is set to celebrate in style.

Oyen Funeral Services Ltd. will be honoured with a party on August 10th from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the parlour to commemorate the occasion.

“I’ve been at the business ten years, and it’s a local fixture. People continue to come to us, and we’re so happy for that,” said Kim Walker, Funeral Director at MacLeans.

It’s been a close-knit business since its inception, and Walker says it continues to stay the course.

“The previous owners just sold, but they did sell it within the family. It’s just been so amazing to be a part of this,” she said.

“We came from Calgary, and to move to a small town like Oyen and be family with everybody has been just amazing.”

While the residents were wary at first, Walker soon won them over and is so happy to be a part of their world.

“It took a little while, but they’ve welcomed me with open arms. The people in Oyen treat me like family now,” she said.

“I started here as an attendant, and I’ve worked and moved up to the point I’m running the place. I’m just so happy about all this.”

Walker is aware that working in the funeral services sector wouldn’t be a job for the squeamish, but it’s something she’s always had a real enjoyment of.

“It’s a difficult job. It has to be a passion – It’s not just a job, but it’s a lifestyle. This is a calling. It’s not for everybody, but I love it,” she said.

“This is something I love. I’ve wanted to do this since I was six. I love serving people, and this is such a great way to do so.”

One thing that keeps her interested and involved in her work is the genuine way she works with those around her.

“Caring for people’s loved ones is so important. I’m a real part of this community by doing this. In Calgary, you were always just another person. Everyone knows us here,” she said.

“Perhaps one reason we do so well is this staff I have with me. They have my back, and they know how to calm me down when I’m stressed. They’re my funeral family.”

The event on August 10th will see the history of the funeral home told to attendees, something Walker has taken a real interest in.

“It’s been eye-opening reading the history of our community and learning all these things I never knew before,” said Walker.

“I’m so happy to see the town celebrate us like this, and I’m looking forward to people coming out and having a good time with us.”

The “100 Years of Funeral Service” event will be held August 10th, 2023, from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., at 114 1 Ave, East Oyen, Ab. Along with the history, there will be food, refreshments, cake, entertainment and games.

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Oyen kids have fun at VBS!
