Oyen firefighters deployed to Jasper

Oyen Fire’s Kenton Wagstaff along with 3 other firefighters from across special areas have been deployed to Jasper to help with the wild fires.

Accompanying Kenton are Glen Durand and Shane Olesen from Hanna and Rob Howe from Veteran.

This crew relieved the first crew after 7 days on the duty at the Jasper fire complex. These crews have worked with departments from all over the province of Alberta assisting with tasks required to stabilize the incident for resident re-entry on August 16th. The Special Areas crew will travel home on August 17th. (L-R): Bernard McCoy, Hanna Fire fighter Braeden Volk, Hanna Fire fighter Pauline Howe, Veteran Fire Fighter Rob Palmer - Special Areas Chief .


First Avenue sidewalk sections being repaired


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