Oyen and District Seniors September Meeting
By Beth Symes
On September 4, seventeen people gathered for a delicious potluck supper before their first meeting since the end of May. Fifteen people then attended the meeting, which was chaired by president Lynda Grudecki. Before we began business discussions, a draw was made from the 50/50 tickets purchased before the meeting. Manfred Schroeder won $29.
The usual business of approving minutes from the May 29th meeting and the financial statements from the summer preceded discussion of Old and New Business items. The first reports and discussion revolved around the completion of the financials for the year, the final purchases from the media grant, and the progress of beautification work done over the summer as a result of the New Horizons Grant. The final monies from the media grant were used to purchase Blue Tooth speakers and a park bench. To date, a large portion of the New Horizons Grant has been spent on landscaping services around the Oyen District and Seniors Recreation Centre by Oyen Concrete. Some solar lights have also been purchased. The remaining money will be spent on further landscaping outside the building and some interior lighting. Shirley Foot will also see that the word Welcome is printed on the Back of the Sign that says Private Function so that it will be clear that the hall is open for spontaneous use by members who want to play pool, etc.
After discussions about continuing memorial plaques for former members, it was decided to begin a memorial book that would serve the same purpose.
Jessie Battrum mentioned the need for volunteers at Extended Care to help with activities such as Bingo and other games. She asked members to consider this.
Much of the remaining time of the meeting was spent discussing various upcoming activities for members and their guests in the hall. Cheryl Getz plans on having a time for crafting and socializing in October. The date and time have not yet been set. For more information, call Cheryl at 403 664 8688. Floor Curling will begin on Wednesday, October 16, at 1:00 PM and continue on Wednesdays throughout the year until the end of April. Floor curling is organized through a drop-in system, with new rinks being drawn up each Wednesday from the members who are present. Two games are played each Wednesday afternoon. Further information can be obtained by calling Beth Symes at 403-664-2462 or Heather White at 403-664-3854.
The first Fun Night after the summer break will be held on September 27 at 7:00 PM. It is an evening of playing games and socializing for members and their guests. Everyone is invited to BYOB and snacks. For further information, please call Lynda Grudecki at 403-664-0908 or Beth Symes at 403-664-2462.
Membership Fees will remain at $20 per year and are due now. A discussion was held about possible means of attracting new members, which the current membership would greatly welcome. We thus extend a warm welcome to all Seniors (anyone who is 50 years of age in a calendar year or older) in Oyen and District to come to our October Pot Luck meeting on October 2, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Seniors Hall. We invite you to join us and add your ideas about activities you would enjoy during the fall and winter seasons that we can do in our recreation centre.