Oyen and District Seniors Report: Potluck Supper

Submitted by Beth Symes

Ten members of the Seniors group attended the potluck supper on February 7. It was delicious and varied as usual: casseroles, salad, homemade buns, cheese biscuits, pickles and two desserts. Two more members joined us for the meeting, which Lynda called to order at 6:45 P.M.  Rolly Willick won the 50/50 draw of $17.50.

Jessie presented the minutes from the meeting of January 10 in Beth's absence and moved them adopted. Lynda presented the financial statement for January in Sherry's absence. The meeting then moved on to discuss old business items. There was a discussion of grants, including possible uses for the monies remaining from the Media Grant. No decision was made at this time. A new mike has been ordered with a small portion of the money. Other possible grants were discussed, as well as a general discussion about the Prairie Rose Foundation.

It was decided to draw up a rental agreement, which will be signed by renters when they pick up the key. Lynda, Jessie, and Shirley Foot will draw up the agreement from current guidelines and will add appropriate items to it. It was also determined in situations when the hall is rented for consecutive 2 or 3 days, the rental for the second and third days would be half of the rental for the first day. For example, the rental for the second and third days for the Assembly, games and kitchen area would be $210, which is half of the first day's $420 rate.

Two other decisions arising from old business were made. Ascend will do the year-end report for the Seniors group. Exploration of the organizations sponsoring Bingo as a fundraising activity has ended with the decision not to sponsor Bingos.

The meeting moved to New Business with a discussion of a Fun Night for February being scheduled on Friday, February 23 at 7:00 P.M.

A scheduled power outage in Oyen for February 21 between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. was announced. Floor Curling will be held on Tuesday February 20 on that week.

The next Oyen and District Seniors potluck and meeting will be held on March 6, 2024. Once again, we welcome new members to join us.


Hanna Ministerial donation towards Emergency Support Fund


Town of Oyen Library: Booknotes, Feb 18