Oyen and District Seniors Report: By-Laws committee

By Beth Symes

The final meeting of the Oyen and District Seniors Association prior to fall was held on May 29. It was a combined meeting for May and June. Ten members attended the delicious potluck supper. Three more joined for the meeting, which Linda called to order at 7:00 PM. Jessie Battrum won the 50/50 draw of $20. The minutes for the April 3 meeting and the financial report for the months of May and April were presented. Following that, a number of old business items were discussed. The first items were grants that had been received. The first grant was the Media Grant, which still has a small amount of money that has not been spent. These monies have to be spent by the end of June, and several options were again discussed, including applying the money to Telus and possibly purchasing some Blue Tooth Speakers. A portion of the New Horizons Grant has been used to remove the deadened trees from around the building. The balance of the grant will be used to do further landscaping around the building. A committee was established to plan this landscaping.

Shirley Foot gave an update on the work done by the By-Laws committee. She reported that minor changes had been made to the By-Laws. Prior to the work being finalized by the committee, they are planning to examine information about By-Laws on a Template obtained from the town and the government. A new committee was set up to audit the financial statements of the Oyen and District Seniors Association. The sign that Shirley and Keith Foot presented for the door to indicate when a private function was occurring will be further updated to have the word Welcome printed on the blank side, indicating the hall was available for use.

Several items of new business were discussed. Two executive team members will attend a Zoom call regarding further grant applications through the Community Foundation. The Crocus Foundation is another source of grants for the Association. Applications for that grant can be made in August. Dave reported that the Air Conditioners are working. There was a brief discussion of continuing the practice of obtaining memorial plaques to post in the hall after a former member’s death. The topic was tabled for further discussion in September. Cheryl Getz suggested establishing a time for crafting in the hall in the fall. She will consider what would be a good time for that and bring her suggestions to the September meeting. Fun Night for June will be on June 21 to avoid having it on the long weekend. The next meeting will be in the fall on September 4.


Ag Connections Conference announced for Nov. 20


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