Oyen & District Health Care Foundation purchases new SuzyQ Cart

By Joan Janzen

Thanks to generous donations, the Oyen & District Health Care Foundation was able to purchase a new SuzyQ Cart, which replaces the previous cart, which had been purchased in 2008.

Thirteen years later, 14,200 meals have been delivered. As a result, the original SuzyQ Cart is all worn out. Now the nutrition services department is delighted to continue serving piping hot meals to the Long Term Care residents of Big Country Hospital.

The cart is an essential tool, allowing residents to have a daily voice as to what is served before they receive their meals. The number one issue for most homes is providing significantly hotter food; the new cart solves that problem, as it provides faster and safe food service.

Use of the cart results in a 30 to 50 percent reduction in food waste, which results in monetary savings. It also allows for fast and effective teamwork between food service and nursing staff, and provides an improved dining experience for each resident.

Lee Van Otterloo, Administrative Assistant at Oyen & District Health Care Foundation, said, “This is just another example of your donation dollars at work.”


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