Lifetime’s Free Dental Day brings smiles

By Joan Janzen

Lifetime Dental held a Free Dental Day in Kindersley on Saturday, January 8th. It was a huge success, and the staff was excited to share all about the day.

It was a packed house, with not an opening to be had by the time the day was done. Fourteen employees were present to serve the thirty-five patients who came through their days.

In total the staff did twenty-five exams, thirty-five X-rays, thirty-three units of scaling (hygiene), sixty-eight fillings and sealants, and nineteen extractions! Now that is a lot of dental work!

Dr. Krista Maedel explained what inspired the idea of a Free Dental Day. “We have seen a time of financial instability in our community the last few years, and thought this would be something that we could offer that would really make a difference, and help those in need.”

She said the response from the patients that received dental care on Saturday, was extremely positive. Dr. Maedel said, “One patient had been walking around for a long time with a broken front tooth, as she wasn’t able to afford to fix it. After I fixed her tooth with a nice white bonded filling, I gave her a mirror to show her, and we both became pretty emotional in that moment. She was so touched and said that was life changing for her to be able to smile again without being self conscious. This is just one of the many touching and fulfilling stories of the day.”

Kate Winquist from Brock said, “I was one of the patients. I can’t thank them enough! Being self-employed, I have no dental benefits.” While Kate leaned back in the dental chair, she had two teeth extracted and received six fillings in an hour long appointment! It’s clearly evident the staff was giving their best throughout the day, efficiently providing quality care.

Lifetime Dental gave back to their community and the west central area to the tune of over $23,000 in free dentistry. Although it was a very busy day, it was also a very fulfilling day for the staff, as they were able to help so many people and their families.

The free dental day was a show of appreciation for their patients and the continued support of the community for placing their trust in the Lifetime dental team to take care of their oral health. In response, the dental clinic received an outpouring of gratitude for their team and their commitment to giving back to their community on their Free Dental Day.

At the end of the day, both the dental team and the patients were filled with gratitude and happiness. Both the givers and receivers were rewarded.

“It was all about giving back to the community and helping as many people as possible!” Dr. Maedel concluded.


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