Hooked Order of the Eastern Star Rug

By Leanna Meers

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world that allows both men and women to be members. It is a non-profit organization whose members are dedicated to improving the quality of lives in their communities through the charities they support as well as fellowship, social enjoyment, and charitable works.

The first Eastern Star Chapter in Oyen called The Somme Chapter #35,was constituted on December 19, 1919, and was disbanded on December 17, 1938, due to the hard times of the Depression. Serenity Chapter #113 was later constituted on December 17, 1952, and is still in operation today.

The hooked O.E.S. rug you see here was donated to the Serenity Chapter in 1992 by Highland Chapter #98, Delia when that Chapter surrendered its Charter. In the centre is the five-pointed star. Its colours and symbols represent the five Biblical heroines of the Order and the lessons learned through their stories. 

The Blue ray represents Adah and symbolizes Fidelity. It is represented by the Violet. The Sword and Veil united are an emblem of the lessons learned through the history of Adah.

The Yellow ray represents Ruth and symbolizes Constancy. It is represented by the yellow Jessamine. The Sheaf is a reminder of her life and lessons.

The White ray represents Esther and symbolizes Light, Purity and Joy. It is represented by the white Lily. The Crown and Sceptre united is her emblem.

The Green ray represents Martha and symbolizes Hope and Immortality. It is represented by the Fern. The Broken Column serves as a reminder of Martha’s history and life lessons.

The Red ray represents Electa and symbolizes Fervency. It is represented by the red Rose. The Cup is the emblem of her story.

In the Chapter room, the altar would be placed in the centre of the five-pointed star and hold the open Holy Bible.

The O.E.S. rug is now sitting in the farmhouse built and owned by Andrew Hoenig. Andrew was a Mason and a member of the Masonic Lodge in Sibbald. After the lodge hall burned down, he joined the Masonic Lodge in Oyen. His daughter, Vernona Hoenig, was a member of Serenity Chapter #113, Order of the Eastern Star, in Oyen.


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