Hanna and Drumheller Food Banks benefit from annual Turkey Supper

By Marilyn Vredegoor

Hello Hand Hills - I am back. Missing a week has left me with lots of news. Hunting season is upon us, but I sure do not see many deer for them to hunt. Not sure what is happening. Maybe not enough to eat, or maybe the water source is gone. Any thoughts?

First, I must apologize to Chris and Tess McDonald, who I said were married on September 7. Not so! They were married on October 7.   Congratulations, again, from the Hills!

Well, that was one for the books. The Turkey Supper has come and gone, and the final total number of people fed was 633 sit-down and 49 take-out! The crew prepared 500 pounds of potatoes, 250 pounds of both carrots and turnips and 40 turkeys. One hundred eighty-five pies were made. At the end of the day, there was not much left, so the cooks did a great job of estimating. The Hanna and Drumheller Food Bank will each be getting a cheque from the proceeds. All of this would not have happened if it had not been for the hours and hours that were spent volunteering to make pies, peel vegetables, stuff and, cook the turkey and work the day of. I estimate that over 700 hours of volunteer times goes into this venture. The community aspect of this supper is huge, and it stretches outside of our community. Karin Miller has volunteered for this supper, and many others, Martha Viste (and her grandson this year) and Barb Burgemeister, are faithful volunteers. We sure missed Charlotte and Richard Preston this year, but I am sure they will be back next year! Susan Dewald comes from Hanna and is seen at many functions. Raymond Sieppert was the oldest volunteer and all those carrots that were peeled by Nancy and Stevens Graham of Lethbridge were processed by him. Funny story: Nancy and Steven came to visit Bob and Pinky Tabor, and they got roped into volunteering.

The young kids need to be recognized for all their hours of volunteering. The 4-H kids stepped up and helped out a lot again this year. Thanks to Jolene Scott and Teri Quaschnick for organizing this end of the volunteering. Parents, you are raising them right. The Neu Muehl Colony sent nine girls for the pie making and ten ladies for the main work bee. These young girls came with their handmade rolling pins with their names on them, and they rolled all the pie crust for the 185 pies. As an added bonus, they filled the hall with their singing—such a nice touch. The Hand Hills Colony donated all the vegetables, and the buns were made by Neu Muehl and the eggs and the onions came from them, too.

The next function at the Club is the Ranchers Ball. It is slated for November 25. Dust off your dancing shoes, bring your appetites and come join us for some much-needed fun and downtime. Call Jacquie for your tickets. 403 820 2604.

Wow! The fundraiser for Roy Keasey did amazing in raising $24,500 for this little boy. Roy has done three rounds of chemo, and his smiling face is worth its weight in gold. Hats off to all who participated in this rewarding fundraiser, and hats off to Roy!!!

And she is off to start a new chapter in her life. Lorna Amendt has sold Running Spring Ranch and has settled in Red Deer. The Hand Hills wishes were the best. After 40 years of calling Hand Hills Home, we will miss her. Lorna sold her land to Bonnie and Dallas Stevens and Kelby and Tenille Stevens. I know that the new owner will love that place just like the Amendts’ did. Happy for everyone!!!

Till Next Week – As Remembrance Day approaches, please take the time to reflect on how we got to be so lucky to live the life we do. Many gave their lives and sacrificed for us, and we need to Remember Them. Lest We Forget.


Hanna Figure Skating Club laces up for another season


Halloween donation to Oyen & District Food Bank