HAND HILLS GRAPEVINE NEWS: Enjoy the little moments that become our memories

By Marilyn Vredegoor

Hello, Hand Hills! As I write this news column on this foggy Sunday morning, I am hoping that the old adage of moisture in 60 days will come true. Although we can’t wait for 60 days, we will keep hoping. The weather looks like it is going to take a real turn towards the colder temperatures, so get ready! We will take snow!

We were like two Walmart Greeters! Larry Poland was coming out of Walmart, and I was going in, and we had the most energetic conversation! Larry appreciates my column and how it reconnects him with all the friends he grew up with. He told me story after story about some of them. Sorry, some can’t go into print, lol! We touched on the Amendt Family. Frank and Ann worked for the Poland family way back when, and he fondly remembers them. He said he just loved Ann! He told the story of Frank using the outhouse, and he had a visitor come into the toilet. He thought it was a cat, but low and behold, it wasn’t a cat but a skunk he was petting. Larry remembers Ann not letting Frank into the house! Thanks, Larry, you made my day. And yes, for those who want to have a lively visit, Larry is living on the old Poland homestead south of the Verdant Valley School. Stop in, and I assure you he will keep you in stitches. Larry, maybe Walmart should hire us!

Congratulations to Chris and Tess McDonald on their recent marriage. They were married on September 7 with family and friends around them. Cheryl and Dean now have two of the three boys married, so Blair, it will be your turn next. Congratulations from the Hills!

And they, too, got married! Cade and Emma Seely said their I Do’s on September 29. Their little two-year-old daughter, Harper, was part of the ceremony. Congratulations from the Hills! Joy and Justin, you must be over the moon with Happiness.

Speaking of Joy and Justin, they have left us! They moved to the Carstairs area to be closer to Cade and his family. Joy worked for years at the AFSC and kept all the farmers in line when it came to Crop Insurance, and Justin was a big part of the Stampede in the Hand Hills. He was a wealth of knowledge as he followed and was part of the rodeo scene. They will both be missed, but enjoy that little granddaughter now that you are closer to her and her family.

And it is a girl! Quinten and Ashlyn Moench welcomed Millie June into their Family this past week. Palmer is now a big brother. Congratulations to Rod and Jenn Moench on this, their third grandchild. Stan and Marge Moench and Cynthia and Marvin Siewert have another great-grandchild. Exciting news!

This birth announcement reminded me of a story that I was told a few months ago. As I had mentioned, I had walked across Hand Hills Lake on the north end, and Marvin Siewert told me that he and Murray Moench thought that they, too, could go across the Lake while hunting deer many, many years ago. He said when they were younger, so you take it from there how long ago it was! Anyways, there were on Raymond Seipperts’ land on the east side of the Lake, and the Big deer ran across the Lake to the west, and not wanting to lose him, they decided that the Lake looked good enough to cross. Wrong! They had to walk the two or three miles back to Harold and Joyce’s place to get a tractor. Humble pie was all they took home that day as the deer won! See, old antics always keep coming up. Thanks for the laugh, Marvin. I like that my column sparks things even from years ago!

I hope you have recovered from that Turkey Supper you ate at the Hand Hills. I will have an update on the number and such next week. I know that the huge group of volunteers who made the pies and prepared all the food deserve a rest and a big round of applause for the hours of volunteering they did. It was great to see so many people out to help. Faces, old and new, were such a big part of the success of this tradition.

Till next week … life can change in a heartbeat, so remember to take care of yourself, enjoy the little moments that become our memories and just do what makes you happy!


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Tyler Kraft, one of the Pickup Men for the 2023 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo