From The Echo Archives

Compiled by Kate Winquist

5 YEARS AGO (2017)

  • Halpenny Agencies bids farewell to Muriel Sletton after 30 years

  • The flag flying at half mast at the Royal Canadian Legion #208 following the death of this area’s last servicewoman, Eileen Roberts.

  • Community Foundation of SE Alberta celebrates 25 years!

  • Legion Taekwon-Do shows skills at wind-up in Oyen

10 YEARS AGO (2012)

  • Jennifer Hogan earns nursing degree.

  • More than 50 teens left Oyen for the i-Lead youth conference promoting leadership in Sylvan Lake, in what they described as, “the best weekend ever.”

  • ATCO Gas celebrates a century of natural gas service in Alberta.

  • The family of the late Benjamin and Pauline Anderson will hold a celebration to commemorate a Century of Farming in the Buffalo community.

15 YEARS AGO (2007)

  • South Central High School Class of 2007 has 31 graduates.

  • Look up ... ‘way up! Horizon blimp soars over Oyen.

  • Oyen Lodge expansion and renovations - plans underway.

  • Sixteen members attended the May meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, welcoming RCMP Cpl. Terry Link and the FCSS Heather Norris.

20 YEARS AGO (2002)

  • A fatal motor vehicle collision occurred on Highway 9 at the junction of Highway 41, 4 km north of the town of Oyen. A husband, wife and 16 year-old son were killed at the scene.

  • Howard Hains passed away at the age of 85.

  • Three new business people were welcomed by the Chamber of Commerce - Ray Spurgeon of Country Videos and Roy and Roxie Pratt of Double R Stitch ‘n Things.

  • Local pharmacist, Gordon Johnsen was recognized by the Alberta College of Pharmacists with the Whitehall-Robins Bowl of Hygeia, an award that recognizes contributions to the community.

25 YEARS AGO (1997)

  • Local Write On Contest Winners included: Clinton Rude, Valene Miller, Landon Olsen, Darmidy Goodine, Alisia Fieldberg and Brandi Barnes.

  • New Brigden was preparing for the Johnner Brothers Social.

  • Laura Huston of Sibbald was awarded the Donald Chiliak Memorial Scholarship of $500.

  • Acadia Valley reported 6/10” of rain.

30 YEARS AGO (1992)

  • The grand opening of the Alsask Craft Centre took place at the former DND school building.

  • Three SCHS graduates receive degrees from Bethel College campus, Mishawaka, Indiana: Andrea Neilson, Jack Shields and Joel Zimmerman.

  • Oyen and District Chamber of Commerce is hosting Sidewalk Day which coincides with Oyen’s 73rd annual Sports weekend, hosted by Sounding Creek Ball Club.

  • Oyen town councillors met and learned that the municipal census had been completed, showing the population was now 1041.

35 YEARS AGO (1987)

  • The feature attraction of the “Spring into Summer” promotion in Oyen was the bed race. Eric Gilbertson’s team of Tony Wilson, Warren Getz, John Ruschkowski and Murray Hanewich took home $100 for getting their bed across the finish line first.

  • A large crowd attended UFA Farm Supply annual “Sprayer Day” - Patrons were treated to hamburgers (920 in all); coffee, white & chocolate milk (420 cups).

  • Debora Kohlman, bride-elect of Vernon Brockman was guest of honor at a Bridal Shower in Esther Hall.

  • Rita and Brian Dillabough and three children of Cochrane were weekend guests of Rita’s parents Ralph and Marvel Jorgenson. They attended the McClellan anniversary celebrations.

40 YEARS AGO (1982)

  • Graduating from the Acadia Valley E.C.S. class of 1982 were: Lindsey Peers, Byron Colbe, Jeromy Bishoff, Louise Niwa, Lana Schmidt, Susan Ibach, Tara White, Pam Jazner, Tera Neilson and Gay;e Niwa.

  • “The Queen and Her Court” Rosie Black (most feared pitcher in the world) was coming to Oyen R.C.M.P. Park.

  • The new Empress Municipal Hospital was just about completed. The tentative date for the opening was set for August.

  • Seniors Bake Sale and Rummage Sale raises $335.25 and $352.78 respectively.

45 YEARS AGO (1977)

  • Just over 200 persons attended the Art Show arranged by the Oyen and District Art Club.

  • Oyen Lions honor Dr. McCracken with “Citizen of the Year” and Don Bamber for “Lion of the Year”.

  • The theme for S.C.H.S. Graduation was “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”


Pop 89: Engaging God


Acadia Valley News Jun 7