East Sounding Creek 4 H News: Another great start

By Coleman Norris, Club Reporter

Breaking! Breaking!

As we all wean our calves, we sit and ponder as the rest of the calves leave the yard in the big rig and wonder if we made the right choice as some are a little ranker than others. Even if these animals take more time, we all know our hard work and dedication is well worth it when we see the finished product.

We are off to another great start to our 4H year. The club gathered together on October 18 for our Elections meeting. We have a few new executives this year.

Emma Westerlund took over from the former president, Danica Woods. Rhett Rude took over as Vice President, Hayden Bingeman as Secretary and Dylan Woods stayed as Treasurer. I know all these members will do a fantastic job.

We all gathered together for weigh-in on November 12 at Madge Farms weighing 23 show steers, 17 carcass and 14 heifers. Getting a good look at all the steers and heifers this year, it's going to be a very stiff competition for sure. I am very impressed.

Some of our 4H members gathered to do some community service and pitch in at the annual Tree of Remembrance helping serve supper and helping clean up. We really enjoy being able to help and visit people along the way.

With Christmas holidays among us, we are all busy trying to halter break some of these wild animals. Some are definitely easier than others but we never shy away from a challenge.

With the Beef Expo in the near future, we know we have a deadline. Most of us, with our steers and heifers in tow, will be showing our projects off at this event on February 16. If you're bored and want to come check out our projects come on down and we will be more than happy to have a chat.

Till next time this is Coleman Norris saying “Do yourself a favour and put some beef on your plate.”


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