Donations coming in to the Oyen Food Bank
By Imogene Hauck
This month, FCSS had their Halloween for the Hungry. Wow! Thank you all for participating. We did good! Thanks to the Badlands Academy for all their work.
Cash donations are coming in, and we are truly thankful. This week, we received $500 from Big Country Agricultural Society.
On Food Bank Day this month, we were lucky to have fresh veggies. There were enough potatoes and cabbage for everyone. We love to have fresh food when it is donated.
Bill Kolkman and Imogene Hauck stock the shelves at the Oyen & District Food Bank following the receipt of Halloween For the Hungry canvass. They also received a donation of fresh vegetables which were distributed with the monthly boxes. The cart displays small donated gifts that will be given out with the Christmas hampers. PHOTO BY DIANA WALKER
The freezer is empty. Sometimes, it has fresh meat, but only if it is donated. We have decided to discontinue meat because of today’s prices. We give canned meat and vegetables. The bean products distributed provide protein.
On the cart in the photo are two large blue bags. They contain some of the small donated Christmas gifts.
Please watch for the Angel Tree going up soon in Oyen Home Hardware and pick up a child’s angel. That is the most loving feeling, to gift a child who otherwise may not receive a gift at Christmas time.
Cash donations or non-perishable food donations may be dropped at the FCSS Office, 313 Third Street East, Oyen. The office is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
God bless you all for participating in the Food Bank projects.