Church Service held at Norris farm


Sixteen people gathered at the gorgeous farmyard of Brian and Heather Norris on Sunday, July 7, to attend an Oyen United Church Service. The weather was perfect—no bugs, and the sun streamed through the tree cover. A few birds added to the music. A gopher tried to catch part of the festivity.

Heather capably delivered the message from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.

2 Corinthians 12:2-10 “I will be as strong as weak as I am.”

After contemplating on the chosen scripture, guest vocalist and guitarist Clark Huston stated that his weakness was “saying No, and his love for music.” He then sang a couple of songs. The congregation thanked him for his weakness. Jerilyn Norris also shares the same weakness and sang a couple of songs. Clark and Jerilyn are both strong people sharing their weaknesses.

A potluck picnic lunch followed the 11:30 am service.

Beverages, plates, cutlery and chairs were supplied. The yard was equipped with a swing, trampoline, sandbox and a friendly dog. Several attendees accompanied Heather on a tour of the yard to see the horses, the variety of trees in their shelterbelt, a uniquely decorated garage wall, a stunning display of Virginia Creeper covering their sun porch and their abundant garden (in the background).

What a superb way to spend a Sunday afternoon - with friends!


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