Alberta RCMP reports reduced crime rates in 2020

For many Albertans, the Alberta RCMP continues to focus on its Crime Reduction Strategy – an intelligence-led approach to policing that enables RCMP to identify repeat offenders and crime trends, as well as conduct targeted enforcement and prevention initiatives. Over the past year, the organization’s strategy had notable success, recording improved crime rates across the province.

Included in the RCMP’s Crime Reduction Strategy are initiatives like Data 2 Action – a program that focuses resources on the province’s most vulnerable communities, targeting prevalent crime types in those areas. Launching two years ago, the program has since grown and is now overseen at a district level, allowing Data 2 Action to be implemented in more communities throughout Alberta.

As well, the Alberta RCMP operates Crime Reduction Units in all four districts of the province; these teams consist of experienced police officers, criminal analysts, and civilian staff specialized in targeting repeat offenders who impact communities most.

After the realization that certain rural properties were repeatedly being targeted for crime, Project Lock Up was also launched under the Crime Reduction Strategy, in 2019. This collaborative, intelligence-led program allows RCMP and citizens to work together to respond to repeat victims of property crime. From March 2019 to April 2020, the number of top-targeted properties – properties that previously experienced the highest rates of repeat crime – dropped by 55.4%, meaning Project Lock Up efforts, including targeted patrols, have contributed to substantially decrease the number of repeat victimizations.

In 2020, the Alberta RCMP saw improved crimes trends throughout the communities it serves. From January through December 2020, there was a 17% decrease in Break & Enters in Alberta RCMP jurisdictions compared to 2019, and a 19% decrease in Theft of Motor Vehicles. Theft Under $5,000 also declined, dropping by 22%, with 7,852 fewer cases reported than the previous year. Overall, there were 14,230 fewer Property Crime offences and 21,285 fewer Total Criminal Code offences in 2020.

“The Alberta RCMP recognizes that crime rates inevitably fluctuate, rising and declining over time. While the nature of crime cannot be controlled, the RCMP can account for the plans it has in place to manage it. As Alberta’s provincial police force, we are confident that our Crime Reduction Strategy is making an impact and yielding positive results.”

- Superintendent Peter Tewfik, Officer in Charge, Alberta RCMP Crime Reduction Strategy

Albertans can stay informed about crime rates in their area by accessing the Alberta RCMP Crime Map, or by visiting the RCMP’s Data and Innovation webpage, which highlights key statistics and information on policing initiatives throughout the province.

Overall, the Alberta RCMP is dedicated to reducing crime and will continue to collaborate with communities, partner agencies, and government at all levels to do so. By working together, we can be a stronger, safer Alberta.


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